Coparmex in Edomex rejects the assignment of state coordinators


TOLUCA.- The Employers' Confederation of the Mexican Republic (Coparmex) of the State of Mexico declared that it supported the elimination of federal delegates in the entities and, even, that she was favorable to the analysis of the disappearances of many delegations whose existence is not justified. However, he warned that
The designation of state coordinators is not the solution to the problem of corruption and misapplication of federal funds.

This designation "would imply an involution in the solidity of the federal system, weakening the balances and counterbalances in the relationship of the State and municipal governments with the Federation," Gilberto Sauza Martínez president of the organization in the entity.

In the case of the State of Mexico, the former candidate for governorship and today elected senator, Delfina Gómez Álvarez as head of said coordination is sketched.

In reading his position, he points out that it is irrefutable that Mexico needs strong local and municipal governments, as it is in these capacities that capabilities can be strengthened to identify the needs of the population and have the best skills to respond to it. of your governmental task.

He said that although Mexico needs to strengthen decentralization through the orderly transfer of powers from the Federation to states and municipalities, "it is worrying that coordinators are responsible for federal government security actions," he said. would endanger the chain of command in the military authorities and the effectiveness of the governor's unique command over the armed forces. "

He warned that they also appreciated "serious administrative inconvenience" for setting up the coordinators' structure, since the concentration of the management of the tasks of more than 20 federal agencies in one person presupposes a loss of specialty and expertise "This could result in erratic decisions."

Sauza Martínez mentioned that, even with remarkable personal skills, "it would be very difficult for the coordinator to have the ability to follow so many tasks and dependencies in the States" as areas as unequal as agriculture or regulate communications, improve the functioning of customs and the quality of health services, or meet the challenges of public security and promote cultural activities, require very diverse knowledge and skills.

The head of the employers' organization in the entity added that the creation of the coordinator figure could generate incentives for the development of a partisan approach and with the electoral calculus of federal programs in the middle ranks of the federal government, which can be translated into a severe assignment to the democratic guarantee of fairness in future contests, to the extent that the boundaries between the federal government and the ruling party might be unclear.

"Federalism, democratic plurality, state sovereignty and municipal empowerment are particularly vulnerable to proposed changes, and today there are alternatives that can be very effective in achieving goals without affecting those values," he added.

"We urge the future Director General and his team to weigh the risks of their proposal and to consider the many institutional alternatives available to them," he said.

He also said support the elimination of federal delegates but it is urgent to think about the disadvantages of state coordinators.

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