COPD is already the second leading cause of death in the world |


Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) is already the second leading cause of death in the world, after ischemic heart disease caused by arteriosclerosis of the coronary arteries, that is, those responsible for providing blood to the heart muscle or myocardium.

This was revealed in a Lancet Global Burden of Disease report, in which it is emphasized that COPD is underestimated in statistics, as it is not a leading or visible cause of death because it There are usually no complications or other diseases (diabetes, cardiovascular, etc.).

"Patients with COPD do not die from this, but many other complications," said pulmonologist Javier Palicio, president of Fenaer (Spanish Federation of Allergy and Respiratory Disease Associations), and registered the site Quo.

This disease causes cough, sputum, mild, moderate or severe dyspnea. The difficulty is to distinguish between a smoker's cough and a cough caused by COPD. "The cough of the smoker is always pathological, it is a defense mechanism of the body before an aggression.The COPD is the consequence of aggression by the inhalation of toxic gases", he explained.

However, tobacco smoke, smoke from coal stoves and chlorine are some of the leading causes of COPD. Another important point to consider is the treatment of various recurrent respiratory infections since childhood because they can cause chronic bronchitis leading to COPD over time.

This is why early diagnosis is essential to prevent the disease from going to a serious phase. With a simple test such as spirometry, signs of the disease can be observed, leading to a more complete study.

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