COPD, progressive and life-threatening illness


Fundamental diagnosis and timely treatment to provide quality of life to patients.

"Smoking and constant exposure to wood smoke – which is still used as fuel in some parts of our country – are the main risk factors for the development of chronic obstructive pulmonary disease (COPD) , which is characterized by persistent obstruction of the airways, a disease that currently affects 251 million people worldwide, said Dr. Jesus Javier Vázquez Cortés, a member of the Mexican Society of Respiratory Surgery and Thoracic Surgery (SMNyCT).

Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease is a progressive and potentially fatal lung disease characterized by a persistent reduction in airflow.

Its main causes are exposure to tobacco smoke and constant inhalation of wood smoke.

It affects millions of people around the world and in Mexico it is estimated that 7.9% suffer from it, it affects people over 40 and also men and women.

Dr. Vázquez explained that information from the Pan American Health Organization (PAHO) indicates that COPD will be one of the diseases that will cause more lives in the world. He pointed out that "according to the international organization in just two years, this disease will be the third leading cause of death".

At a press conference, where a new treatment option for COPD was presented, Dr. Jesús Vázquez added that "the disease is constituted by chronic bronchitis and pulmonary emphysema, characterized by bronchial obstruction and lung parenchymal destruction – in cases of emphysema – and usually occurs in people over 40 years of age ".

Vázquez Cortés pointed out that "it is estimated that 7.9% of the population suffers in Mexico," and explained that the prevalence is the same between men and women, who experience the most common symptoms that are: chronic cough and the production of phlegm. "

And that is according to the SMNyCT member, for those who live with COPD, daily activities – walking, climbing a few steps and even resting – involve a great effort to breathe. "As the disease progresses, patients experience exacerbations, that is, intense episodes of dyspnea, coughing and expectoration that can last for days or weeks and require hospitalization," he said.

In this sense, Dr. Marco Polo Macías, Head of Medical Respiratory of GSK Mexico, underlined, in the launch of this new therapy, that "research and development have allowed to have a new option therapy, which is a triple therapy consisting of inhaled steroids and long-acting bronchodilators, which has shown a reduction of up to 25% in the risk of moderate-to-severe exacerbations, and in 34% of severe exacerbations resulting in hospitalization, which allows patients to improve their quality of life. "

In addition, he pointed out that "this favorable news is supported by the outcome of the multi-center and international IMPACT study, conducted in 37 countries for 52 weeks where more than 10,000 patients with COPD and COPD occurred. history of exacerbations participated. ", He said.

Finally, Dr. Marco Polo Macías pointed out that GSK continues to be at the forefront of scientific research in Respiratory Medicine through its work in collaboration with patients and the scientific community to propose innovative drugs intended for treat symptoms and reduce risks. the disease progresses in people who suffer from it.


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