Correo del Caroní – "The State is responsible for the omission of the presence of the ELN"


"We must call things by name," said the deputy of the National Assembly De Grazia, who rejected the statements of the Minister of Defense, Vladimir Padrino López, who at a conference press release, did not admit that it was the National Liberation Army. (ELN) the one that operates in border states, but there are armed groups, no matter what they call it.

The president of the NGO Control of Citizens for Security, Defense and Armed Forces, Rocío San Miguel, said he wanted guerrilla groups to be declared urgently as enemies of the Armed Forces (FAN).

"Enough of ideological connivance, we must call things by their name and the guerrillas are a historical enemy of the armed forces," says San Miguel.

San Miguel: "Enough ideological connivance, the guerrillas are a historic enemy of the armed forces" | Photo Archive

For San Miguel, what happened in the Amazon, where three guards were killed and ten others wounded after an ambush by the ELN, is nothing more than the ratification of the control exerted by this armed group on the Venezuelan territory, from El Catatumbo to Zulia, to Apure States, Táchira, Amazonas and Bolívar.

"What works here is the level of opacity of the Minister of Defense and the military high command regarding the permanence of the ELN in Venezuelan territory.It is criminal, because of these incursions, it is confirmed that the Colombian guerrillas has been and will continue to be a historical enemy of the National Armed Forces, "he said.

But it is not only the opacity of the state, which for years has allowed the entry of guerrillas in Venezuelan areas, but also the fact that the military personnel of the border posts has no rule of confrontation with with regard to guerrillas.

"A Venezuelan soldier does not know if he should fire, if he looks in the other direction or accepts the open passage of guerrillas." In the past, there were military prisoners for persecuting guerrillas.The most basic thing that a military should have at the border, these are the rules of confrontation (…) there is no time to think, it is a second to act, in all the world's borders, in all the operational positions of the Armed Forces, they use rules of engagement that do not exist in the case of Venezuela, "he questioned.

De Grazia, for one, points out that, if the government denies the presence of ELN, what happened in Amazonas is further evidence.

"The ELN has been operating in Colombia for five decades, and in Venezuela it has been present in Amazonas, Táchira, Apure and Zulia, and is new in Bolívar, in the Parguaza coltan mines, diamond of San Vicente de Paúl and in the gold mines of the municipality of Sifontes The tragedy is that everything is sponsored and promoted by the regime itself ", he reproaches.

However, he points out that there is a thread of hope on the ethical reserve of military components, because he considers that the fact that there has been a confrontation means that it does not exist. It is not that all the component is engaged in the ELN.

Responsibility of the State

Statement by the Ministry of Foreign Affairs of Colombia on what happened in the Amazon

Padrino López does not openly claim that the armed group that murdered three Venezuelan guards is the ELN. The head of the strategic area of ​​integral defense (REDI) in Guayana, Jesús Mantilla, denied the presence of the guerrillas in Bolívar, despite the denunciations of relatives of the victims of the massacre occurred in the area El Candado in Tumeremo. The Colombian Foreign Ministry, for its part, disputes the assurances of Venezuelan officials.

In a statement, the Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs regretted the killing of Venezuelan guards and said that Luis Felipe Ortega Bernal, aka Garganta, is a "recognized leader of the National Liberation Army (ELN), of whom he would have deserved to circulate the blue criminal record of Interpol, for the multiple crimes committed in our country ".

"The omission of the National Armed Forces to fulfill their duty to safeguard territorial sovereignty makes them responsible for the presence and operations of the ELN on Venezuelan territory," said San Miguel, who also evokes the silence of the commander of the National Guard on the facts.

The President of Control Ciudadano believes that there are two immediate consequences for what happens in the border states: first, the factual demonstration of the weakness of the FAN's performance in the chain of command; second, the demoralization of these armed forces.

"As long as the military high command will not have a firm stance on the actions of the ELN, the demoralization will be greater in this FAN person who is murdered because of the lack of clear rules in the US. ;institution."

For the parliamentarian, the presence of guerrillas in Venezuela is not free, because, he says, "they can not be maintained with radio-marathons, but with drug trafficking, extortion, kidnapping, collecting vaccines, gold mines, diamonds and coltan. "

Uncomfortable for the diet

The assassination of the three soldiers took place after President Nicolás Maduro, president of La Causa R, Andrés Velásquez, was accused of being a gold prane and threatened to disappear and disappear.

De Grazia: "The diet puts us uncomfortable and we will remain uncomfortable" | Photo Archive

"The fact that they involve us in this process calls us to disappear, to disappear, that we are traitors, the traitor is Nicolás Maduro when he shows the presence of irregular bodies in the country, which makes them gives the weapon, the operability and the financing, denounces.

The MP pointed out that the regime feared that the threats of denunciation concerning companies related to the Mining Arch of the Orinoco did not interfere, but he added that he would continue to denounce the necessary denunciations. .

"That they want to kill us, extinguish or disappear, it is because they have unveiled in front of the national and international public opinion their affairs and the criminal triangulation that operates in Guyana, especially in the context of the Orinoco Mining Arc (…) uncomfortable, I think we will continue to be, but that we will be useful to country ".

The Colombian Ministry of Foreign Affairs reported that alias Garganta had issued a blue circular to Interpol for several crimes in that country | Foto

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