Counselors, without legal basis for a fine: López Obrador


  Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual winner of the presidential election - Photo: Cuartoscuro

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual winner of the presidential election – Photo: Cuartoscuro


Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual winner of the presidential election, reiterated that the fine of 197 million pesos, imposed by the National Electoral Institute (INE) in Morena, for irregularities alleged in the Trust "For others", for the victims of the earthquake of 19 September 2017, "is a draconian measure and totally unfair."

López Obrador pointed out that advisers "have no legal basis" to apply the fine.

The resources of this trust have nothing to do with the resources brought by the INE to Morena, are contributions that citizens have made, we have all done and I have contributed as 500 thousand pesos to this trust of what I have received for my new book, l I gave him some of what I confided the publishing house Planeta, I have contributed to this confidence, "he explains

during an interview with various media on his arrival at the Villahermosa International Airport, where he was accompanied Adán Augusto López Hernández, López Obrador added that "deputies, senators and all" contributed to the trust, "but it was not the money that came from the INE."

So, now it turns out that arbitrarily, they. The fine is 128 million pesos and the confidence of 107 million pesos. They were exercised at about 80 million pesos; Imagine, it is a draconian and totally unfair measure, "he reiterated.

He felt that advisors had to prove if there was misappropriation of money and who kept the money. money

This is a very serious charge.It will be challenged in the TEPJF.There is no legal basis, and it is not at the INE of the determine, "he added.

There are those who still do not want to accept the new reality, they think that it will continue. "

that the president of the INE Supervision Commission (Ciro Murayama) was the only one who was in charge. orchestrator of the fine of 197 million pesos

They, advisers of the INE, it is that there are some who do not see us with good eyes, they are very right, the supervisor (Ciro Murayama), who approved the fraud of 2006, so they always bring that.It is the right, conservatism. "

This is an excess , an abuse as I said today, a nasty revenge of the advisers of the INE, "explained AMLO via Villahermosa for Mexico, after concluding his three-day vacation at his farm & # 39; The Chingada in Palenque, Chiapas.

Change, with love and peace: López Obrador

Andrés Manuel López Obrador, virtual winner of the presidential election, pointed out that the days that he took to rest helped him think who has a great commitment to Mexico and "will not miss the Mexicans."

Asked about the document that he sent to the President of the United States, Donald Trump López Obrador pointed out that Marcelo Ebrard will inform him "tomorrow" on the subject

We will fulfill the commitment we have made, deliver it (the document), so that he can read it and once he knows it, he will make himself known to all Mexicans. maintain a very transparent relationship; We will not hide anything, the Mexican people will be informed of everything that happens in foreign policy and certainly in domestic politics. "

On the subject of the Vatican and the EZLN, López Obrador emphasized that" we will always be calling for dialogue because we want a change on the path of concord. "Love and peace. "


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