Court refuses clarification of sentence to create truth commission


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The first college court of the nineteenth circuit issued a new setback to the federal government and denied clarifying the amparo decision in which it ordered the creation of an investigative commission of truth and justice to investigate the facts of the case Iguala. 19659002] During the session, the judges considered that his resolution is sufficiently precise and does not need to be clarified, as requested by the President of the Republic and the Chamber of Deputies.

The application was adopted by Judge Mauricio Fernández de la Mora, because neither the chief executive nor the legislators are parties to the proceedings of amparo 203 to 206/2017, promoted by some people involved in the disappearance of 43 students from Ayotzinapa.

In approving the application, the magistrate submitted to the examination of the plenary session of the collegiate the possibility of analyzing again the resolution and to clarify the points related to the creation of and the commission of the truth and how the budget will be allocated to it to function, as required by the deputies and the president.

The judges considered that the scope of the sentences issued in the amparos is clearly defined.

The judgments of the amparos granted to Miguel Ángel Bahena Landa, El Chequel, alleged member of Guerreros Unidos; Gildardo López Astudillo, El Cabo Gil, lieutenant of the said organization; Felipe Rodriguez Salgado, El Cepillo and Salvador Reza Jacobo, El Wereke, have ordered the establishment of a truth commission for the investigation of the Iguala affair

The resolution establishes that the commission must be integrated by the parents of the 43 students. disappeared from Ayotzinapa, CNDH staff and federal public ministries other than those who have already intervened in the investigation.

On the other hand, the National Human Rights Commission authorized a legal representative to intervene in the amparo proceedings that the first federal court ordered the creation of the truth commission for investigate the case of missing normalisas.

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