Coxsackie spreads; there are 21 contagios


The health jurisdiction II has confirmed two outbreaks of Coxsackie virus, also known as mouth-foot-foot disease, in the same number of schools of Tulancingo, which include 21 infected children.

Health professionals define this condition as a benign and contagious viral infection characterized by the presence of sores in the mouth and a rash on the hands and feet.

The head of the court, David Armando Aguilar Perez, announced to have confirmed 10 cases of Coxsackie virus disease at the end of the day: four girls and six boys at the Ibero-American primary school, located in the district of The Morena.

On the morning of Federico Froebel's kindergarten, they detected four students and four infected students. in the afternoon, there are three cases: two boys and one girl.

Aguilar Pérez explained that after corroborating the epidemics, the health court staff had trained officials, teachers and 345 parents from both educational institutions in the prevention and management of the disease.

He said that Tuesday, after having spoken with Rubén Hernández Ortega, responsible for the direction of the regional services of education, they had agreed that the primary school principals, parents and the community students would take preventive measures to stop the spread of the Coxsackie virus, including: washing hands frequently, using individual cutlery, avoiding kissing and covering sneezing with the forearm.

Marie Antoinette Islands


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