Craft beer is better for health than industrial beer: your doctor


It is known that the consumption of beer and in particular the consumption of craft beer is a growing practice. The World Health Organization reports that the consumption of alcoholic beverages in social gatherings is common in many parts of the world, but it may have negative social and health consequences that are related to

done, the Jarra del Buen Beber instrument that promotes the Secretaría de Salud (Ssa) and other public health institutions in Mexico, it allows to know the importance of beverages , the reasons for consumption, quantities and recommendations.

In this sense, the Jug places alcoholic beverages as the beers at level 5

that is, the maximum suggestion of consumption daily is ½ glass of 240 ml

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Craft Beer vs Industrial Beer

In this regard, the craft beer is a beverage that has gained popularity, many schools and universities offer courses for its elaboration. It is a drink that is made under own, unique or exclusive recipes from experts in the field or from other specialists.

Its production is more limited compared to commercial beer or industrial beer, since it is elaborated with more care and attention.

Advantages. It is a natural drink, it does not involve any process or artificial substances and the fermentation is of natural origin.

Its taste is the result of mixing hops, yeast, malt and water with other elements:

– Herbs

– Spices

Ingredients above give each craft beer a unique and distinctive flavor.

Nutrients. In the case of industrial beer it can lose the nutrients that its ingredients provide through the industrial processes to which it is subjected.

The craft beer is hand-made and with

The filtering is natural

It is developed by small and medium producers who compete with the transnational industry.

It is also suggested that the standards of quality and hygiene be fulfilled by

The foregoing would guarantee the safety of their consumption.

The minimal or moderate consumption of commercial beer also proved its worth . However, the evidence shows that craft beer is a better option for health, even more so when looking for more natural options without artificial additives.

Craft beer: offers more variety dades

It is not a matter of encouraging the consumption of beer or alcoholic beverages;

It is to offer alternatives to moderate consumers who provide health benefits.

For example, a student of the FES Cuautitlán of the National Autonomous University of Mexico got the first place in a research competition to present a craft beer

This Beer contains grapes and provides nutrients such as vitamins, proteins, carbohydrates minerals and antioxidants

Another example is craft beer which contains probiotics and improves the digestive health of consumers. This was created by researchers from the School of Health Sciences (ECS) of the Autonomous University of Coahuila

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It is important to consider that consuming large amounts of alcohol over several years is associated with the risk of developing chronic diseases such as diabetes mellitus cancer and hypertension.

Other negative effects of excessive consumption, are overweight, obesity, acute conditions such as injuries, especially those caused by traffic accidents refers to WHO .

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