Create a catastrophic link and internationalize SMEs, agree at the Pacific Alliance Summit


GUADALAJARA, Jal. (Apro) .- At the end of the meeting of the XIII Summit of the Pacific Alliance, the four leaders who make up the trade organization signed the Puerto Vallarta Declaration, which involves the expansion of institutional capacity and trade in goods, in addition to stimulating the internationalization of small and medium-sized enterprises.

The statement also includes the network of the Business Development Center for the Pacific Alliance, the launch of the first private digital agenda, the creation of an infrastructure fund and the issuance of d & # 39; A regional catastrophic link to mitigate the financial impact of earthquakes in the region, according to President Enrique Peña Nieto.

In the educational field, 1,800 new scholarships will be awarded to young people in the four countries.

At the Summit, the 2030 document of the Pacific Alliance was approved, which includes the framework for the next 12 years, seeks to consolidate an agreement of the trade organization with APEC and to increase digital connectivity between participating States.

In addition, the authorities made a rapprochement for the first time between the Pacific Alliance and Mercosur to boost trade between Peña Nieto took advantage of the event to take stock of the situation. Pacific Alliance, as well as the progress made during his tenure.

He explained, with the joint cooperation of the four countries. The countries of the Pacific Alliance have taken a step towards greater "circulation of goods, services, capital and people".

In addition, 96% of trade has stabilized and the visa requirement has been removed. citizens of the four nations. With this latest move, he said, Alianza's tourism partners in Mexico grew by more than 140% between 2012 and 2017.

"We have completed some fifty cooperation projects with 55 Observer States. Four countries: Australia, New Zealand, Canada and Singapore have started the process to become associated states, which will allow them to access the Alliance's trade benefits, said Peña Nieto

. Tempo of the Pacific Alliance, the President of Peru, Martín Vizcarra, announced that he will present a work plan "that defines the objectives and actions to achieve" a more global, more comprehensive organization, more connected, more citizen. "[19659002Uneautredesesprioritésserad'accroîtrelecommerceauseindel'AllianceduPacifiquepour”dépasser5%deséchangesactuels”élargirlaparticipationdusecteurprivémeneràbienlesnégociationsaveclescandidatsauxÉtatsassociésetrenforcerlacompétitivité[19659002] Because there is already a catastrophic earthquake bonus, he said that we will seek to extend it against floods and droughts in the countries, as well as omovating access to regional and international resources focused on mitigation measures of climate change.

Chilean President Sebastián Piñera insisted that the Alliance must be renewed, so a second step will be launched and the process of It reaffirmed that the negotiations of the Alliance with Mercosur went from intentions to a plan of action with "goals, deadlines and goals very clear and very precise for f area converge "to both commercial organizations

. The President of Colombia, Juan Manuel Santos, asserted that, given the trend towards protectionist trade, the Pacific Alliance must remain united. "We are in favor of free trade, we do not like protectionism, we are supporters of integration, we are supporters of all this architecture that the world has created little by little, with great difficulty in to have a world order, "he said.

At the end of his speech, the four Pacific leaders signed his signature in the Puerto Vallarta Declaration

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