Creators of Uncharted Explain Why Nathan Drake Can "Receive" So Many Balls Without Dying


The creators of Uncharted have confirmed that in reality the protagonist is not getting shots and that the red alerts are the reality of his "end of luck".

The world of video games is full of things impossible to achieve real. We see many characters who are hurt in unimaginable ways and in seconds can replenish their injuries without much effort. In many cases, we can explain that it is by magic or ultra advanced technology. However, this is not the case with the Uncharted saga .

More than one may have asked: what's wrong with Nathan Drake who gets so many bullets and does not die? falls to the ground after a number of strokes (depending on difficulty). Plus, if he's hiding for a few seconds waiting for the red indicators to disappear from the screen, he can fight again like that.

Although we liked Uncharted 4, it was a detail that came back to the mind. However, the creators of the game have been pronounced to change our opinion significantly. Apparently, would literally be a matter of luck if Nathan Drake did not perish in the face of enemy fire

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<h3> The Explanation of the Creators </h3>
<p>  This is Jonathan Cooper, host of Naughty Dog, who explains the high resistance of Drake: </p>
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It's a mega-swing! Sidenote I learned by joining the team: Drake never suffers bullet damage. The red user interface that shows "hits" is to represent his "luck" short. Eventually, the enemies will get a clear shot and kill him if he takes enough casualties.

– Jonathan Cooper (@GameAnim) 8 July 2018

"… As an entry, it's something that I'm 39 learned by joining the team: Drake does not even suffer damage from bullets The red interface that shows that something "hits" represents his "luck" arriving at his end Finally, the enemies will make an accurate shot and kill him if he takes too many shots too close. "

Otherwise, Drake is a very lucky guy who never shoots. The explanation was also supported by Amy Henning, director of several Uncharted games:

" This is true It was the original intention (to keep us more in tune with the tone and essence of the films we pay homage to. "

No doubt Henning was referring to Indiana Jones a character that despite the problems he came out of his adventures.

A mystery over the world of video games has been solved . The explanation may not seem very convincing but there is no choice but to believe that it was something planned from the beginning . If you are still very skeptical after reading this, remember that you can still go to:

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