Crime rages with Pemex; steal their pipes


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The tank car theft from Petróleos Mexicanos (Pemex), used to transport of refined products as gasoline and diesel at gas stations, this becomes a serious problem for the oil company and adds to the long list of goods that organized crime carries every day.

Between 2016 and August of this year, according to the information of the subsidiary Pemex Logistics, criminal groups have stripped the oil company of 25 units.

In the market, according to data from oil distribution companies, each standard pipe of 40 thousand liters of capacity at an average cost of 180 thousand dollars, which means that the loss for the oil company could reach the $ 4.5 million in two years and eight months.

Information you had access to L & # 39; UNIVERSAL warns that the number of auto tank thefts is increasing from 2016.

During that year, Pemex reported to the appropriate authorities the theft of five tank cars; for 2017, the figure has risen to 11, and in the first eight months of this year, the crime is appropriate nine additional units.

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With this trend, said a senior Pemex official, "it would not be strange to close the year with a figure between 12 and 13 stolen cars".

Detailed information indicates that organized crime uses stolen pipelines to transport "illegally stolen petrol and diesel fuel into Pemex pipelines through clandestine outlets".

Sources consulted, who asked not to be cited for security reasons, indicated that in most cases, the theft of pipes belonging to Pemex was done while traveling on roads or avenues of the main cities of the country , whose routes arrive. to be a maximum of 50 kilometers.

"The theft has also increased in the way they run it, often with increased luxury of violence, although fortunately there has been no loss of lives to regret," they said. .

Once the criminals have taken possession of the units, the petroleum products are sold on the black market or between petrol stations involved in the illicit trade, they also dismantle them to sell them in part; in other cases, once empty, they use them in connections that they prepare in clandestine connections for filling and transporting stolen fuel, "without making any changes", or by painting and painting. placing the emblems of other companies.

In other cases, such as the theft of pipes from private companies, "they are used three, four or five times and then abandoned, but settlers or other types of criminals dismantle them".

They do not recover fuel. Pemex can not recover stolen fuel in any of these forms of organized crime.

Sometimes it's a matter of buying back the units, but with many missing or missing mechanical parts or engines, which are the easiest parts to place on the black market.

Reports from Safeguard Strategic's Sub-Branch and Pemex's law firm reveal that offenders have centralized auto-tank theft operations in the central region of the country, which includes the states of Puebla , Tlaxcala, Hidalgo and Queretaro. In the State of Mexico, in Morelos and Mexico City, where 36.5 million liters a day are distributed, which attracts many criminal groups.

In these localities, the theft of eight of the ten countries reported in the country was committed.

In the Gulf area, a region between Veracruz and Tabasco, the crime rate represents the remaining 20%, in the region of which circulate 9.2 million liters more per day on roads and avenues.

This explains to a large extent, added the sources, the attractiveness of crime for these regions, which in this document are those that consume the most oil, and because its distribution is done by land.

Currently, Pemex Logistics is the main attraction of criminals considering that it is the company with the largest coverage in the supply of hydrocarbons and petroleum products to Mexico by land.

Its fleet of tankers has a total of one thousand 485 units, carrying a daily volume of 294 million barrels of specialized products (refined, consumables, gas and fuel oil) 365 days a year.

They steal everything. This type of crime is part of the range of products to which the business is subject, which is stolen every day.

By underground links: gasoline, diesel, LPG, natural gas, crude oil.

Approaching oil rigs: fire hydrants, batteries, fire extinguishers, welding machine cables, extension cords, tools, well safety modules, valves, repair equipment cases, lifejackets, life raft, monitors, control panels, pumps, helipads illuminating batteries, steel doors, data cabs, solar panels and even metal parts of heliports.

On land: the product that carries and the car tanks.

In installations: cables, tools, equipment, uniforms, helmets. The company reported flights of antennas and digital communication equipment.

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