Cristiano Ronaldo was offered in Naples before signing with Juventus


Aurelio De Laurentis revealed that Cristiano's agent offered the player to regain Carlo Ancelotti

Mexico City –

Today was officially presented with Juventus but before contact with this club Cristiano Ronaldo was offered by his representative to the 39, one of the main rivals, Napoli revealed the president of the blue entity.

"With (Jorge) Mendes (Ronaldo's representative) I have a splendid collaborative relationship, I was with him in Portugal for an operation with a goalkeeper (Rui Patricio), then there were problems and we did not close the negotiation possible, that's when m proposed to Cristiano Ronaldo " Aurelio De Laurentis in an interview with the newspaper Corriere Dello Sport

The patron of Napoli was one of the first in the world to know that the roads of CR7 and Real Madrid had been broken forever

" I understood that the relationship with Florentino Pérez and Madrid were broken .And then I had said to dear Mendes, it is an operation of 350 or 400 million (euros), we would have risked bankruptcy, "he said .

"I was thinking of other side effects. Such a sacrifice could have significant repercussions on the rest of the team .We went from a total salary expense of $ 30 million to 120 now. "

One of the reasons why Jorge Mendes offered the Portuguese crack was Carlo Ancelotti who headed CR7 in the Real Madrid a few years ago and from this season will be sitting on the Neapolitan bench.

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