Criticizing Fey for requesting a split vote


Mexico City.-Fey shared a video on his social networks requesting a split vote, many users criticized his request and argued why they would not do it this way.

"Hi, guys, I share with you what I think this Sunday will be a very important day for all Mexicans … So … To think well and split the vote," wrote the singer with the video that adds more than 83,000 reproductions.

In the clip, Fey says, "Every time you go to vote for someone. one as president of one party, vote for another party as deputies. "Many users have disagreed with this idea:" Not my pretty Fey, we vote uniformly, otherwise the same corrupt ones will prevent always the change of the congress. "

" The demand of those who ask for a divided vote resembles that of p Battered but emotionally dependent people: PLEASE DO NOT LET ME BUT. "

" If at least FEY had been pronounced in every massacre, in every act of corruption and camouflage, Ayotzinapa, ABC, never did it! And now he's coming to ask for a split vote #ParFavor. "

" And if there is division in the Senate, there is no order of ideas and although many say no, there is confrontation and there is a lot of discussions that do not reach anything "

A few minutes later, the performer shared another sexy picture of the bed, hours earlier shared a couple in his account. sexy clichés.

El Universal Information.

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