Croatia in the semi-finals! Russia says goodbye to its cut


Croatia had to suffer up to the penalty shot to get his pass to the semifinal of the Russian World Cup 2018 after defeating the host by the score of 3-4 of the eleven stages Mario Fernandes went from hero to villain by scoring the goal in extra time that gave life to his team, but then missed a penalty.

The Croatian team started with the ball in the midfield but with little arrival, just two shots of Ante Rebic who blew Igor Akinfeev [19459005Ashotofmorethan Ivan Rakitic was the least we could count on the Croatians in the first half. For his part, Denis Cheryshev was the one who tried the most for the Russians with a shot that covered the defense.

Until the half-hour Ivan Perisic sent a head that was close to score for the Croats, but who had already warned, Cheryshev was in charge of 39, opening the scoring of a shocking left foot shot that went to Subasic who could not do anything before the bombing.

After the goal, Croatia sought to react quickly, just as they did against Denmark, only eight minutes after falling they came back on the scoreboard thanks to a superb piece of Mario Mandzukic Andrej Kramaric who with the head matched the cards before finishing the first half

The second time was with the revolutions below which he had seen, both teams were afraid of losing but Croatia still had the ball and Kramaric tried twice, one of them with a Chilean who raised the rostrum but it was not enough to destabilize Akinfeev. After ten minutes, Perisic had an unbeatable opportunity but that is the post that told him NO in the Russian zone

Russia, which had given up the chance. attack, had more than a single game of danger with a head of Erokhin who exceeded the goal. The group walked slowly and without much opportunity until the goal. It was in the last minutes that Smolov shot to the goal and Subasic came out with both hands

Croatia started suffering injury in overtime, but thanks to his fight won the goal thanks to Domagoj Vida who in a corner sent the ball to the net of a header and began to make the Croats dream of the semi-final.

In the following period, the final, Russia tried to create danger, more of heart that football and had thanks to Darle Kuziaev who with a forced fire Subasic to attack with both hands. They had a reward in the 114th minute, with a header from Mario Fernandes tied the game with a stopped ball and sent the game to penalties.

In the penalty shot the failures of Smolov and Mario Fernandes who despite the fault of Mateo Kovacic saw how the Croats took the ticket for the semifinal where they will face [l'Angleterre] [19459003 With this Croatia assured to stay until In the last week of Russia 2018, because if defeated in the same way would play the game for third place.


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