Cuauhtémoc Blanco celebrates the virtual triumph in Morelos


Cuernavaca, Morelos .- Cuauhtémoc Blanco Morena-PES-PT candidate celebrated his virtual triumph in the race of the governor of the state and the first thing he did was to thank the citizens for their support, to whom he promised to do justice by checking the outgoing administration.

In a press conference, he offered a policy of by submitting to consider the government that ends September 30, as well as the secretaries of the office.

"Many of them will run" declared Blanco Bravo but pointed out that he will not practice a "witch hunt".

Is it revenge ?, they asked him. "This is not revenge but justice must be done to the people so that these corrupt politicians will not steal anymore." And those secretaries who are also there, who have a lot to see because they also have a lot stole, and I have to do their verification "said Blanco Bravo.

In his tent, the mayor is allowed He was surrounded by his main collaborators and took the opportunity to say that the integration of his cabinet will be done with those who have been with him for three years to the municipal presidency.

"They will be honest people and the person who will make me one that I will run and I will show it", warned Cuauhtémoc Blanco .

Will you call your opponents to reconciliation?

"No, I'm not like that, everyone says it's political, but for me, these people hurt me a lot, and there are many who have already finished their political question. there are many who will not appear as politicians, because I've always said that there is divine justice, "he said.


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