Cuba breaks Castro's plan and opens the market [Internacional] – 15/07/2018


Havana, Cuba Cuba's new Constitution will recognize private property, the market and foreign investment, while replacing the figure of the President of the Republic and the Prime Minister, still under the control of the government. vigilant eye of the Communist Party (CCP)

The draft constitutional reform maintains as essential principles the socialist property of the people over the basic means of production, but "it adds recognition of the role of the market and new forms of ownership, including the private ", According to the details of the document published Saturday by the official journal Granma

will also ratify" constitutionally the importance of foreign investment for the economic development of the country, with the desired guarantees. "

Since the approval of the new investment law in March 2014, 110 new companies have been approved with foreign companies, according to official figures. After the triumph of the Revolution and nearly four decades of majority state ownership, President Raúl Castro initiated in 2008 economic reforms to boost private work, which now covers 591 thousand people and represents 13% of the country's labor force.

However, all these changes had to have a legal basis, as the current constitution "is out of step with the socio-economic transformations achieved in recent years and expected in the medium term," said economist Pedro Monreal in his blog

A referendum

Thus, small and medium private companies will be born under the new Magna Carta. Many workers already operate as such.

"The Constitution should be updated in the legal recognition of small and medium-sized enterprises and no longer repeat that they are all self-employed.They are much more than one worker hired by another" , said constitutional lawyer Jose Antonio Fernandez.

The new Constitution, which should be sanctioned by Parliament next weekend, will be subject to a popular referendum before it is approved.

Cuba will also have a form of government similar to that it had before 1976, with the President and Vice President of the Republic – who will continue to be elected by Parliament – and a Prime Minister .

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