Cuba tests new vaccine against solid tumors


Cuban researchers at the Center for Genetic Genetics and Biotechnology (CIGB) in Havana are testing a therapeutic vaccine against solid tumors today, "absolute priority" of the state group Biocubafarma He enlisted seven other drugs "high impact"

" Savax " is the brand name of the drug, which is in the second phase of testing to verify its effectiveness on tumors of the ovarian and hepatic reports the official journal Juventud Rebelde

To reach this stage, the effect of the vaccine was studied in a group of 30 patients in advanced stage and "with very limited life expectancies, "explained the director of Gerardo Guillén, biomedical researcher

" Almost five years later, not only the increase in life expectancy of these patients, some of whom are still alive, but also despite the Success of the study phase, for the full application of the vaccine, "there are still many parameters that need to be evaluated" by specialists and regulatory authorities, specified

Beside " Savax ", the CIGB" is working primarily "this year on new formulations of Heberprot-P, an effective therapy for treating diabetic foot ulcers and the flagship project of Cuban biotechnology, recorded in more from 20 countries

They also list a synthetic peptide for the treatment of cardiac ischemia, a drug for rheumatoid arthritis and a treatment for cerebral ischemia.

The CIMAVAX-EGF vaccine against lung cancer stands out in the history of the Havana Engineering and Biotechnology Center, which also produces "Heberferon" for the treatment of skin cancer and vaccines against hepatitis B and meningitis. [1] 9659002] The ICOLD subsidiary in Camagüey Province (center) has also successfully produced Gavac, a self-produced vaccine against cattle ticks.

Biotechnology and pharmaceuticals are among the main exportable items of Cuba. EFE

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