Cuba: the Constitution will go to the popular consultation in August


HAVANA (AP) – The text that renews the Cuban Constitution will go into popular consultation from August before returning to Parliament at the end of the year. ;year.

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After two days of sessions, the deputies approved on Sunday the draft of the Magna Carta which seeks to reform the one that has been in force since 1976 and was surpassed, both by the context in which the island was part of a bloc of communist states and by the economic liberalization measures promoted by the former president Raúl Castro . MPs approve cabinet that will accompany Miguel Díaz-Canel (AP)

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The more than 600 deputies of the National Assembly of People's Power have arranged for the Constitution to go through a process of consultation throughout the country between 13 August and November 15.

The law establishes, among other things, the recognition of private property, authorizes the hiring of staff and opens space for same-sex marriage, between others, while maintaining the prominence of the Communist Party of Cuba as an organization that guides society and with the predominance of the socialist state enterprise.

The session, in which Castro was present – who also serves as secretary of the CPC – was closed with a speech by his successor Miguel Díaz-Canel.

"This exercise, of direct participation of the people (popular consultation), acquires the greatest political relevance and will be a reflex" Every Cuban will be able to freely express his opinions and contribute to reaching a constitutional text that reflects the present and the future. 39, the future of the country. "

Cuban television showed deputies interventions with the analysis of the 224 articles of the new Magna Carta Some points went unnoticed, but others showed the different criteria or have attracted more attention from the legislators who, in the Cuban model, are not professionals.They thus meet twice a year in plenary without leaving their post.

L & # 39 One of the most discussed articles has been the way in which the excessive enrichment will be controlled, which does not conform to the socialism preached in the nation.Some legislators have demanded that Limits to the concentration of property in private hands, while others have advocated not to bring this responsibility to the Constitution and to enforce existing laws to prevent corruption and the black market, real plagues of the economy. Cuba

The question reflects a basic debate for the Magna Carta, since that of 1976 under Soviet influence was totally unaware of private property, although in recent decades the reforms of Castro allowed a modest private initiative and the development of entrepreneurs, to support the national finances that were going through a serious crisis.

Another topic that drew the attention of lawmakers was the article that eliminates the requirement that marriage be only between a man and a woman.

The new text of the Constitution also establishes the creation of the figure of a prime minister who will accompany a president and a vice president in the government, and present the function of governors at the expense of the provinces.

In his closing speech Diaz-Canel also indicated that in the first half of the year, the country recorded a gross domestic product of 1.1%

In this note:

  • Cuba
  • Havana
  • Constitution
  • Parliament
  • Raúl Castro

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