Cuban biologist on hunger strike could be released, according to family | Latin America | DW


Cuban biologist Ariel Ruiz Urquiola, who went on a hunger strike for three weeks to protest his one-year prison sentence, was "released for health reasons" and transferred from the hall detainees "without custody, reported today (03.07.2018) family sources to the EFE news agency.

" As they said (the authorities of the Provincial prison of Pinar del Rio, west) to my mother, they released him for medical condition, "confirmed the prisoner's sister, Omara Ruiz Urquiola

The 44-year-old environmental activist was sentenced on May 8 to one year in prison for a crime of contempt and started the protest to report irregularities in his state of health. "One of the leaders of the Pinar del Río Provincial Prison, Lieutenant Colonel Navia, went to my brother's farm with a psychologist, and interviewed my mother, who told them that He knew his son well. and his son would not give up if there was no justice, "says Omara Ruiz.

According to Ruiz Urquiola's mother, "because of Ariel's condition, they released him I was already in a civilian room of the hospital

The family, who has not yet been able to verify the path used to legalize the release, considers that the Cuban courts have granted the detainee an "extra-penal permit".

They also received a "living faith" after the visit of the Catholic bishop of Pinar del Rio, Jorge Serpa, who visited the detainee last Friday.

Ariel Ruiz Urquiola is a doctor of biological sciences and in 2016 He was dismissed from the University of Havana, where he was working as a researcher, after being accused of repeated and unmotivated absences, a motive that the activist rejects while considering that in his dismissal there was "abuse of power". [19659003] A year earlier, he had obtained the concession in usufruct of a farm in the Valley of Pinar del Río Viñales – declared World Heritage by Unesco – where he had initiated an environmental project.

Ruiz Urquiola was arrested by police on May 3, a few hours after two members of the state guard 's corps went to the farm and asked for legal permission to do so. operate in the place.

The biologist's family believes that the authorities deliberately jailed him in retaliation. his environmental activism and a strategy to deprive him of the state lands in which he was conducting his project, given the great tourist potential of the place where they are located.

RRR (Efe /

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