Cuitláhuac calls on MPs to stop appointments of anti-corruption prosecutor and magistrates


Xalapa, Ver.- The elected governor of Veracruz, Cuitláhuac García Jiménez called on the current state legislature to stop the appointment of various officials related to the state of affairs. administration of justice.

García Jiménez noted that the appointment of the Anti-Corruption Prosecutor is currently being discussed in the local legislature; However, he believes that the best is to stay in the hands of the next Chamber of Deputies, where Morena and his allies are in the majority.

He also commented that the appointment of magistrates, for which the governor must submit a short list to deputies, should also be delayed until the change of state administration occurs. next December.

"Conscious of their sovereign powers, I urge you to allow the next legislature appointed by the people to determine such designations," he said.

In his first public message addressed to the inhabitants of Veracruz, the elected governor recalled that at the time the current governor Miguel Ángel Yunes Linares had made the same request before the Intention of Javier Duarte de Ochoa to designate persons occupying similar positions.

García Jiménez considered that the people's decision expressed by the vote should be respected and allow Morena to appoint these officials after consultation with the population and groups of specialists.

On the other hand, he called on education authorities to stop the assessment of teachers who is being tried in Veracruz.

The governor-elect said that the message of the population and teachers was clear in recent votes in Veracruz and the rest of the country.

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