Cuitlhuac Garca refutes Yunes's version on the assassination of the MP's daughter


November 10, 2018

The elected governor of Veracruz does not trust the official version.

Twitter: @ diario24horas

After a brief investigation by the Veracruz authorities, who determined in record time that the motive behind the assassination of Valeria Medel was confused, the elected governor, Cuitlhuac Garca, missed the official version which indicates that the authors of the the murder went after another person.

The elected governor of Veracruz expressed distrust at a conclusion such that the Yunes administration ensures the murder of the daughter of MP Carmen Medel, and noted that the murderer was not confused, that the The attack was aimed at the young woman.

"The first questions were that the attacker was waiting for the victim to identify him, which suggests confusion. If I was waiting to identify him, I knew who he was." , he said in an interview with Liliana Sosa for Milenio Televisin.

In addition, he stated that he was surprised that the alleged perpetrator of the homicide, identified as being "El Richy", was found dead.

Garca Jimnez added that as soon as he will take office as governor, he will review the case investigation record; in the meantime, he said that the state congress could call the prosecutor to account, which the MPs would do, as they had said on Friday.

With information from Milenio

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