Customers take advantage of the error and buy screens for 3 pesos


Ciudad Juárez .- For more than 20 hours or so [60] people remained inside a convenience store to demand that they be sold flat screens for less than five pesos.

The dispute began Thursday afternoon after an employee of the department of electronics store Aurrerá, branch of Carlos Amaya in Ciudad Juárez published ads in the department; mistakenly placed dots and not commas in price ads.

Several customers indicated that prices instead of thousands represented units, for which they required to pay 2,3, 5 and 6 pesos for screens of 32 ", 42 ", and 55 "inches, respectively.

The establishment staff informed people that it was not possible to accept this award, which caused complaints and elements of the municipal police had to intervene to calm dissatisfied customers and close the doors of the branch.

At that time the word had already spread and more than a hundred people came to the site, mostly relatives of those who were inside the store.

Customers, including several children and a pregnant woman, slept inside the supermarket, the published price will be respected. [1 9659004] The staff of Profeco arrived at the supermarket on Friday morning, to serve as an intermediary between the company and the buyers.

Finally and after hours of negotiation, it was agreed that 45 people will buy a screen each and which was the cheapest among the offers that had the error.


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