Cynthia Rodríguez denies the fight between Carlos Rivera and Antonio Gaona


A few days ago, an alleged confrontation between Carlos Rivera and Antonio Gaona was announced, that is Cynthia Rodríguez, the singer's associate, who denied what was published.

"Oh no! The truth is that there are things that are suddenly invented and I think we should place these people as telenovela writers because if they have a lot of potential, it does not matter. There was no confrontation with anyone, everything was very nice, an incredible chemistry with Antonio Gaona whom I know is a friend who will remain as one of my best friends for life, but nothing more " he told the press Sunday evening

As to whether it was true that Gaona had described Rivera as" bad ". homosexual, Rodriguez just laughed and said, "No, not at all. They really know each other, there is a very good atmosphere between them and nothing. "[19659008] The driver was also questioned about his feeling that while driving with Adal Ramones" The Academia ", it will be Carlos Rivera who is one of the" [19659003] coaches "in" The Voice "." I do not believe that there is anything better than ours with respect to "The Academia", which gives you a good time. Huge opportunities like being a singer who fills places like a national auditorium or how to be a program host in a prime time or be a protagonist of a soap opera or be a trainer in a program like La Voz.

"I really believe that these are also very important points that I think of both the audience and the boys who aspire to be The singers must take into account." The Academy has very successful stories, " he said.


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