Daniel Ortega: The electoral advance "aggravates" the crisis in Nicaragua


  Daniel Ortega: Advancing the Elections

Daniel Ortega, who presided over the country between 1979 and 1990 and returned to power in 2007, insisted that the paramilitary forces were the ones who attacked the Nicaraguan police


The president of Nicaragua, Daniel Ortega assured Monday that a advance elections in the country of Central America proposed for March 2019, at the request of several states and international organizations, would create "instability and insecurity" and "make things worse".

Ortega accused of being more "cruel" and "perverse" than dictator Somoza

the American Fox News, Ortega argued that the violent clashes that Nicaragua has been experiencing since last April, which caused between 277 and 351 deaths, were provoked by paramilitary groups funded by some deputies Daniel Ortega who presided over the country between 1979 and 1990 and returned to power in 2007, insisted that the paramilitary forces were those who attacked the Nicaraguan police, who claimed to Protect the population from revolts.

At night, when there are no peaceful demonstrations, we have had attacks by paramilitary forces, organized by people who are against the government, "insisted the Nicaraguan president

. 19659010] In addition, the President said that in recent days there has been a process of "normalization" of the situation and declared that there had been demonstrations for and against his executive.

The President Nicaraguan has already refused at the beginning of the month to advance the elections in his country arguing that the constitution establishes terms of 5 years, so that the current legislature should not conclude until 2021. [19659010] Daniel Ortega described the episodes of violence as "genuine terrorism" and reiterated that the revolts are aimed at eliminating the government he leads, while repeating that "no Nicaraguan has any money." died at the It has been a campaign of lies, of terrible lies, to try to harm the image of Nicaragua, "said Ortega, who was one of the leaders of the Sandinista revolution against dictator Anastasio. Somoza over the years. 70.

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Notwithstanding, the Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights United Human Rights (Oacnudh) accused the Nicaraguan government for gross human rights violations .

Ortega also had a message for his counterpart or American, Donald Trump who recalled that bilateral relations were "very painful", so he said that he did not want that History repeats itself

We are a small country with a fragile economy, but we deserve respect, "said Ortega before the various statements of the US Congress and the White House on the nation's crisis Central American

Nicaragua is going through the most bloody socio-political crisis since the last decade. 1980 – with Ortega also as president – after his government carried out failed social security reforms that served as a trigger for the people to start protesting their abuses and corruption.

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