Danna Paola has a new project with Netflix España


Mexico City .- A few months ago, Mexican actress Danna Paola shared with her followers of the social network her joy for the new project of which she is part: the series & # 39; Elite & # 39; from Netflix España. Now, the singer has also introduced the character who will play in this program, a moment that could not wait.

"I had waited so long this time … surprise! I present" Lu ", my character in the new series of Netflix Spain", also wrote the artist, then describe a little to the young woman who will stay life in the series.

"This Mexican girl in the Encinas That drove me crazy, I enjoyed my veins with all my compis and I'm sure you too. The beginning of the course starts this autumn … there are still many secrets to reveal. The countdown begins! ", Added Danna Paola

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  • Shows
  • Danna Paola
  • Netflix
  • Spain
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