Deaths do not stop in Nicaragua; 43 children are orphans


Managua.- A young man died today after being shot dead twelve times in a native district in northwestern Nicaragua as part of the anti-government protests that claimed 285 lives. people and 43 orphans. 19659002] Wilber Jarquín, 25, died early Friday when a group of police and hooded "is unleashed against one of the many barricades that the population continues to rear despite the so-called "Operation of cleaning", which consists of attacks against them oppose to the government of Daniel Ortega and tries to bring back the streets to the normal with bullets, denounce the movement of 19 April León [19659002] The shooting took place in the indigenous neighborhood of Sutiaba, in the city of León, 90 kilometers northwest of Managua, an important bastion of the Sandinista National Liberation Front (FSLN) in power until the social demonstration against Ortega on April 18.

Photo: AP file.

Nicaraguan Cardinal Leopoldo Brenes, who is in Rome to personally explain to Pope Francis the crisis in Nicaragua, said in statements that the local Catholic channel was reproducing that the situation of his country "is much more difficult than it is". "We had seen in both wars (Sandinista insurrection against Somoza and civil war in the 80s of the last century) that we had where more than 50 000 people died, but there were armed people 19659002] "An armed group against another armed group, but in this case no, it was against people walking in the street without a weapon or someone behind a barricade," he says. perhaps with a mortar (…) So it's much more "

The Inter-American Commission on Human Rights (IACHR) and Nicaraguan aid agencies have accused the Nicaraguan government of serious violations human rights in the framework of the current crisis.

Photo: File AFP.

The violations include "killings, extrajudicial executions, ill-treatment, possible acts of torture and arbitrary detentions against the majority of the country's youth population", according to the IACHR, which was rejected by the government

. The ANPDH denounced in a report that the police, riot police, paramilitaries, paramilitaries and official shock groups "are using an unjustified weapon of war, with snipers, against citizens who demonstrate peacefully ". the main cause of the 285 deaths.

"The death of a family member not only harms a mother but a whole environment, and when we have already transported over 300 already night to the entire nation," continued Cardinal Brenes, who said that the Episcopal Conference, witness and mediator of a dialogue, is doing everything possible to find a negotiated solution in Nicaragua.

During the day, the inhabitants of the city of Masaya remember people killed in the anti-government revolts at a rally in which the people again shouted in memory of the fallen people, encrypted by the people. human rights organizations. EFE file.

During the march, protesters denounced the "constant siege that the Ortega government and the Ortega forces have had in the Masaya municipality", where 35 people have been killed since the beginning of the protests.

The socio-political crisis has orphaned some 43 children since the social break-up in April, denounced the Nicaraguan Coordinating Federation of NGOs working with children and adolescents (Codeni).

Vice President of the Government, Rosario Murillo, said that they are advancing in Nicaragua and "the forces of good" will be imposed on the "forces of evil".

Photo: Archivo AFP.

He noted that when the forces of evil rise, "the forces of good are also rising to restore order and justice."

Protests against the government began with social security reforms in a demand that demands the resignation of the president, after eleven consecutive years in power, with accusations of abuse and corruption.

In this note:

  • Nicaragua
  • Protestations
  • Murder
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