Deaths in seven municipalities due to the flu


They insist to continue the actions against the flu

The twelve deaths that until yesterday were officially reported because of the flu were presented in seven municipalities, with Tizimín in the lead.

At a breakfast with reporters, the deputy director of public health of the Ministry of Health of the State, Mirza Tec Kumul, explained that in the municipality of & [[[[[[[[[IsthreedeathswererecordedBehindareKanasínMéridaandTecohwithtwodeathseachandTiculTixkokobandUmánonecasepercommune

Data correspond to Epidemiological Week 29, which also gives 170 confirmed cases of influenza. The figure could have significant variations today, when the statistics for Week 30.

The meeting yesterday was led by Secretary of Health, Jorge Eduardo Mendoza Mezquita, and also participated to the Directorate of Prevention and Protection of Health, Manuel Paredes Aguilar

Slides of images were presented on a panorama of the flu, which had already been shown last week during one session the National Health Council, and the need to follow the preventive measures adopted.

Dr. Mendoza said that, although it is expected that influenza cases will enter a decline curve in the coming weeks, the Ministry of Health has taken the lead. decision to reduce the transmission of the disease. necessary steps before the imminent return to classes in the third week of August. The provisions include filters and personal hygiene measures.

The Secretary of Health points out that statistics on the disease were maintained until yesterday in 170 confirmed cases, but admits that the actual number is much higher. sampling and cases verified by the State Laboratory of Public Health.

The officials pointed out that the strategy against influenza is based on two points: vaccination and personal measures to prevent respiratory diseases. They insisted that during the 2017-2018 vaccination campaign (from October of last year to March of this year) the goal was achieved at 100%, but that does not mean not that the vaccine was applied to all the members of

They also pointed out that the campaign only took place during this season and that now the vaccine is not available, but that there are enough drugs in medical facilities to treat new cases. [19659003] They also stated that the flu does not cause permanent immunity in the patient – it can be repeated – and that the vaccine is not a guarantee that the infection will be avoided, but that the disease will be lessened.

predominant in these dates is AH1N1 – it is from one to seven days and the infection can occur when the patient coughs or sneezes, because the drops with the virus have a ray of action d & # 39; One meter. Another way can be the reception of the hand and kiss, and touching contaminated surfaces, such as door handles and phones. The virus can remain 3 days even on inert surfaces – ÁNGEL NOH ESTRADA

Influenza Permanencia

Health authorities say that one must learn to live with the flu.

Contain, do not eradicate

The disease, they say, is here to stay and is not being eradicated. In any country where this occurs, they add, the goal is to contain it

Cyclic Outbreaks

AH1N1 flu outbreaks occur cyclically every two or three years. In Yucatan, the first time that there was a strong epidemic in the community was in 2013.

Not only in Yucatan

Mirza Tec Kumul, deputy director of public health of the Ministry of Health, reiterates that the flu is not an exclusive problem of Yucatan or Mexico. There are cases of considerable assignment in Central and South America.

Why out of winter?

The Ministry of Health says that there is no study that determines why in Yucatan, unlike other regions, the condition is presented in non-winter season. One cause could be the humidity of the rains.

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