Define the problems for the transition


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Reconstruction, water supply, finance and government are the urgent issues that have defined the transition teams of the current administration of the capital and the virtual head of government, Claudia Sheinbaum Pardo , to consider jointly this week. 19659002] In turn, representatives of the former head of delegation in Tlalpan requested the help of the authorities to prevent the Legislative Assembly of Mexico City from appointing the local anti-corruption system.

Yesterday, the transition teams set up the working table and as part of the first agreements planned a series of thematic meetings, the first will be tomorrow at 17:00 on the reconstruction after the earthquake of 19 September.

In conference, after a private meeting at the capital's government headquarters, César Cravioto, a member of Sheinbaum Pardo's team, reported that three other work tables were scheduled: Tuesday, May 1 at 11:00 , on the administration and finances, and the same day at 17:00, in matters of government; "We will be very respectful of the decisions made by this government by December 4," Morena's parliamentary coordinator told the Legislative Assembly in Mexico City.

To review progress, it was agreed to hold plenary meetings every 15 days and the first one on 24 July at noon, State Secretary Guillermo Orozco informed at the joint conference .

review the design of the 2019 budget that will be sent to the Legislative Assembly of the city.

"Another schedule has been established for bi-weekly meetings, so that we can discuss together such important issues as the Income Law and the Decree. [Presupuesto de] Expenses, which will be presented to the Congress of Mexico, "said Orozco.

In this regard, César Cravioto said that to sign initiatives in Budget documents will check first of all if they are relevant and will wait until the election of the head of government is validated by the courts.

During the private meeting in the Murales Hall, which lasted a little less than an hour, the administration of the capital was attended by State Secretary Guillermo Orozco, Finance Minister Julieta González, the Commissioner for Reconstruction, Edgar Tungüí, Comptroller General Eduardo Rovelo, Senior Officer Jorge Silva, and the Minister of Finance Legal Counsel Vicente Lopantzi

On behalf of Claudia Sheinbaum, assisted by Almudena Ocejo, César Cravioto, Esthela Damián, Héctor Villegas Sandoval, Luz Elena González Escobar, Mirian Urzúa and Roberto Fernández, Ana Laura Magaloni and Alfonso Suárez del Real did not participate

The meeting took place a week after the head of government, José Ramón Amieva, and Claudia Sheinbaum agreed to begin the transition with the design of the 2019 budget. [19659002LetAnticorruptioninCongressAttheconferenceinFranciscoZarco'sroomCesarCraviotosaidthatthenextnominationsofthelocalanti-corruptionsystemmustbemadebythenextCongressofMexicoasestablishedbytheConstitutionofMexicoforwhichheaskedforgovernmentsupportsothattheLegislaturedoesnotmaketheappointments

"We ask the city government not to create a difficult climate on this issue, the inhabitants of the city took a decision at the polls on July 1 which respects this decision," added the morenista.

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