Definitely … "I wanted to find you"!


"Diego" (Erick Elías), just weeks from her wedding with "Julia" (Paulette Hernández), the perfect girlfriend, is forced by her father to renovate a hotel that he destroyed in his bachelor party. uncontrolled boy. There, he meets "Lu" (Eréndira Ibarra), the director of the hotel, a free, audacious and beautiful woman; the kind of woman who makes you upset your life. "Lu" will make "Diego" confront and take control of his life for the first time.

It's the story that the ribbon "I wanted to find you" director Javier Colinas, who speaks to us in an interview of the creative process of this film that will arrive on the panel Friday and promises to provoke more than a sigh.

– What is the axis of "I wanted to find you"?

– The film talks about how easy it is to fall into certain paradigms of life: at such an age, you should already be married, at an age when you should have children … There are still social and family pressures in many nuclei. The film is the story of a man in a perfect bubble, with the ideal girlfriend of all life, with all his already armed existence; but suddenly he meets someone and it shakes him from the root. It is this classic conflict when we feel that we are going against the whole world, because something inside tells us that we have to go in the opposite direction.

– Since the beginning, has there been the idea of ​​landing in cinemas ambitiously?

– The dispenser was standing since we were at the editing table. But we already had proposals since we closed the distribution. The cast attracted the attention of many. But something I asked was that they not only distribute us through the distribution, but that the distributors really saw what the film is about, how it is said. I think it's a far cry from the classic. Yes, it's a romantic comedy, but there is an approach to the creative part that is not conventional either in the photo, nor in the camera movements, nor in the visual narrative. With an army cup was Diamond Films saw him, loved him and he came in.

– How was the creative arc of the project?

– I was invited to the movie in January 2016. I read the script, I loved the story, I asked to work with the writer (Tamara Argamasilla) until we have a scenario that works perfectly for me. It was around the month of May 2016. With this script, we started preproduction. It was a process that did not seem heavy, even though it was long.

– Do you work with specific references? Do you refer to other films or authors?

– I'm not director very referential I have worked on this film with a director of photography that I already knew and very talented: Carlos Hidalgo. He said "let's see the movies". And I said, "No, I do not want us to see movies, we're going to work on this movie and now." It's a movie that has its peculiarities. I wanted to portray Mexico as I feel it, I'm in love with my city. I like it a lot, I like it a lot. Rather it was a process of walking and walking the city with Carlos Hidalgo and saying, "for me this is the essence of this and that".

In the movie, we have a love triangle. As a result, we made two established visual languages: one in this square, apparently perfect world, which is the world of Erick; and another in the world of Erendira, which is a free, flowing, self-indulgent place. The magic happened when we hit those two worlds.

– What kind of experience will the viewer have when he feels at the movies to see "I wanted to find you"?

– It's an honest film and touches on a very modern conflict. This makes it unique. This will give the viewer a special experience. This is not a formula of "here it must happen and here this other". In fact, it's a bit "anti-formula", but it manages to connect with the viewer because it's honest. He gives you current feelings. The conflict of our characters, which relates to their freedom, is very relevant today. This idea that "we come to this world to be happy" seems simple, but it is not so easy. It's not easy to tell your family "I know what I want for me". Following your dreams involves a lot of confrontation and I believe that "I wanted to find you" addresses this in a unique and unique way.
– I have the impression that this movie is a romantic comedy that does not trivialize love …

– There will surely be people who will say yes. And there will also be people who will say that I promote the culture of the horn. But the film does not circulate. It's a human conflict. And that has a profound impact. I do not know whether it trivializes love or not, but what I do know is that for me it 's not so much a romantic comedy, because it' s not like it. is not so funny. There are moments of humor, of laughter, but really the ribbon is embroidered with a strong internal conflict. The best I can say is that I think it's a film about a modern conflict.

Other films from Javier Colinas

• "Grandma's wedding".
• "Once upon a time" (TV series).
• "The cumple of the abuela".
• "Behind the power".
• "The unsuitable".

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