Delgado Announces Morena's Decalogue of Austerity for the Lower House


The "scissors" of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies go with everything to cut extraordinary, special commissions, centers of study and analysis, the assignment of cars to legislators and civil servants from San Lazaro to funding political parties and Ramo 23 to eradicate "the ugly" to legislators in exchange for approving resources for municipal work.

This was announced by the Morena deputy elected, Mario Delgado Carrillo, who presented a document with ten commitments for the party caucus in San Lazaro, among which he stands out to support the reforms needed for the fourth transformation of the country, defend, sovereignty, respect for human rights and the fight against corruption.

Similarly, conduct with Republican austerity, eliminate jurisdiction and end with excesses and privileges.

Among the commitments that Delgado proposes to approve, a transparent, austere budget, which guarantees macroeconomic stability, favors the conditions for economic growth and does not contain pensions for former Presidents of the Republic who are so controversial have generated

Delgado reported that on Wednesday, July 25, Morena's national leadership, led by Yeidkol Polevnsky, will meet with his caucus of deputies to review the legislative agenda that will be implemented in this legislature starting September 1st.

Among these points is that of austerity at all levels and eradicates the practice of Moches, as well as not to negotiate the vote in exchange for benefits.

Therefore, he announced that he will seek to disappear from Ramo 23 or regulate it to avoid further excesses and acts of corruption through this product intended to finance public works in the municipalities, but that in past legislatures some MPs took the opportunity to manage a 10 percent payment to municipal presidents for approving these budgets.

"Either this branch disappears outright or we regulate it, for what?" So, there is no increase in this post that has no justification, it is to say that the practice of these appendices ends with a list of works that have no evaluation, no cost-benefit analysis, are simply approved because there has an economic interest behind, "he explained.

Morena will also examine the existence of commissions and study centers in San Lazaro to determine its functionality and feasibility of maintaining or not.

"The Organic Law says that there are 56 ordinary commissions and then provides that certain specials can be formed and this has been clearly misused, you have 56, if I'm not mistaken, 47 special commissions have have been created, of course they have to review and as part of this austerity plan can be generated many savings through the cancellation of these commissions, "he said.

He also reported that the Center for Public Finance Studies, the Center for Legal Studies and Parliamentary Research, the Center for Public Finance Studies, the Center for Studies for sustainable development and food sovereignty, the Center will be reviewed. of gender equality ", and there is another one that I believe has not been consolidated, so we have to review what they do and what they cost .


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