Delgado, Muñoz Ledo and Monreal, the bishops of AMLO in Congress


With a large majority of Morena in the Chamber of Deputies, elected legislators closest to Andrés Manuel López Obrador are gearing up to become the operators of the negotiations that will launch the next project of the President's Nation.

the Chamber of Deputies, Morena and her coalition allies together we will tell history will have 303 seats which will allow them to approve legal reforms without the vote Opposition to advance the legislative proposals This gives sustainability to the program of the government of López Obrador.

Among the main operators of Morena points to the elected MP Mario Delgado, who proposed this week to apply a cut of two billion pesos to the budget of the lower house, which could be generated by measures of money. austerity, such as the reduction of wages and the elimination of other privileges.

Former Finance Secretary of the Marcelo Ebrard Government in Mexico City and an outgoing Senator from the 63rd Parliament raised his hand to be the Morena Caucus Coordinator, with the support of the party's chairman, Yeidckol Polevnsky .

Another of the operators the president of the San Lazaro Council is the plurinominal MP Porfirio Muñoz Ledo, who should promote electoral reform to regulate electronic voting, reduce the funding of political parties, as well as the design of mechanisms that prevent the Dolores Padierna Luna is added to the list, with experience as PRD parliamentary coordinator in the Senate, a group that she resigned after 30 years of activism to fight for Morena in the district 12 of Cuauhtémoc. She was a local and federal assistant, senator and head of delegation. He also has experience in energy issues, which could be helpful if the party chooses to undertake reform in this area.

Pablo Gómez Álvarez became one of the main operators after being appointed by López Obrador to ensure continuity. to the initiative that will be promoted so that no official earns more than the President of the Republic. With a trajectory for different parties of the left, he was a federal deputy four times, before joining the movement led by Morena in 2017.

In the Upper House, Morena will have 70 spaces through the coalition Together, we will do history, out of a total of 128 senators who will join the legislature. In the Senate, López Obrador proposed to Ricardo Monreal to be the coordinator of this parliamentary group.

During the last electoral process, Monreal was appointed coordinator of the López Obrador campaign in the second constituency, although he remained on the road to obtain the candidacy for the leadership of the government of Mexico City . He was also deputy federal and senator, governor of Zacatecas and head of delegation in Cuauhtémoc.

Olga Sánchez Cordero, former Minister of the Supreme Court of Justice, obtained a seat in this House, who must leave her post to occupy the secretariat. of Gobernación, and Rocío Nahle, proposed as the next Secretary of Energy

Among the first measures that the new senators and deputies of Morena will promote, there will be the halving of their salaries, making the grants more transparent and eliminate the privileges that they have as legislators in the Congress of the Union.

After their first meeting with López Obrador, they assured that the first reform that they will promote is the Organic Congress Act to reduce committees and legislative bodies. of the government. The clearest example is in the Chamber of Deputies, with 92 commissions, in which eight thousand, 600 million pesos are disbursed this year.

Similarly, among the immediate reforms should amend the organic law of public administration incorporate the new Secretariat for Security and other bodies proposed by López Obrador, while the negotiation of the Budget Expenses of the Federation of 2019 will be crucial for the presidential promises to come true.

Muñoz Ledo should promote electoral reform that regulates e-voting and reduces political party financing. SUN


The Challenges of Morena

Austerity. The elected deputies of Morena analyze the application of a reduction of two billion pesos to the budget of the Lower House through the reduction of 50% of wages and travel expenses to a minimum, among others measures to generate savings in expenditure

Privileges. The proposal also contemplates the cancellation of items for the insurance of major medical expenses and individualized separation insurance, as well as items for the purchase of cars, vouchers and vouchers. Gasoline, meals, mobile telephony and dispatching dispatches.

Moches. As part of the austerity and anti-corruption plan, it is analyzed to eliminate branch 23 of the Federation's expenditure budget, since according to the deputies elected by Morena, it was used by the legislators to fill their pockets the "ugly".

Corruption. Among the initiatives that will be presented on September 1, there is the proposal to eliminate the jurisdiction and amend the constitution to try the president for the crimes of corruption and electoral fraud, as well as the l? cancellation of presidential pensions.

Amnesty Another urgent issue that should be addressed by elected representatives is the discussion of the Amnesty Law, which will be prepared on the basis of public consultations with family members and victims of violence, migrants, specialists and social organizations. Education. A top priority will be to amend or revoke the laws of the Reform of Education, as well as to establish the right to free public education at all grade levels.

Water. It is also planned to overturn the decrees signed last June by the president on water to lift the ban of 300 watersheds, advocating to avoid the privatization of water resources.

Budget. To meet the commitments of the campaign and implement the social programs envisaged by the government of López Obrador, the deputies of Morena face the challenge of approving a budget that also guarantees the macroeconomic stability and the conditions of growth.

19659018] "They must see beyond the official agenda"

Armando Zacarías Castillo (University of UdeG)

For Armando Zacarías, the Senate and the House Deputies will be marked by the appearance of a new majority led by Morena in the federal parliamentary structure. "They are facing a new situation that has not existed for many years, with the appearance of a new majority." In this context, he warns that one of the challenges is articulating the intentions of voters, as well as understanding the legislative agenda, beyond the campaign proposals of the year. Andrés Manuel López Obrador

"At one point, the stakes the AMLO campaign proposals existed, but these proposals are not necessarily policies based on a tradition on which there is a basis for legislating."

To say of the academic, Morena's political strength is made up of traditional politicians who they have traveled through different political parties in their professional careers, although those who enter the public service for the first time are also distinguish.

"The scope of what the main legislative actions should be is not clear to the extent that Morena does not … he has had a management system and also has no structure regularized national representation as a party. "[19659005] In this context, he suggests defining legislative priorities in a national perspective based on the regions and representations that deputies will have in the Chamber of Deputies.

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