Delta-Acuaridate star shower will light up the sky this weekend


To close a week full of astronomical events, July 28 and 29, the Delta Acuáridas star rain, akin to the comet 96p / Machholz, will appear in the sky.

meteoroids that enter the Earth 's atmosphere, which, because of the resistance of the air, are heated when they enter the Earth, and then a shooting star is observed

Blister is not the rock itself, but the warm air that shines as it goes through the atmosphere, details the National Aviation Administration and the Space (NASA).

Wilder Chicana Nuncebay, Head of the Astronomy and Space Science Area of ​​the "Luis Enrique Erro" Planetarium, explained in an interview with Notimex that rains of stars occur each year in the same month because the Earth in its movement around the Sun passes through the wake of the material left by the comet

Thus, he said, when the Earth performs its translational movement and crosses the region where fragments exist, the "blue planet" acts as a kind of vacuum cleaner and introduces bodies.

These astronomical events receive its name from the place where they come from, in this case the appreciable ones on July 28th and 29th, whose observations will be of 20 bodies per hour, come from the Delta star, located in the constellation Aquarius, from where they call Delta Acuáridas.

Chicana Nuncebay acknowledged that as the years go by, the number of stars will decrease, because every time the Earth passes through this area, it attracts material.

"Eventually, hundreds or thousands of years away, at some point there will be no stars, until a comet goes by and lets in. material on its way. "

El Informador

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