Demi Lovato fans launch the #HowDemiHasHelpedMe campaign on Twitter


Mexico /

After the singer Demi Lovato was hospitalized in Los Angeles for a supposed overdose of Heroine, the Lovatics, as the singer's fans are released, launched the #HowDemiHasHelpedMe campaign on Twitter.

With this hashtag, which translates "How Half Helped Me", the youth share their experiences on how the interpreter inspired them to get ahead of their problems.

"She helped me ask for help.His music was there with me in the waiting rooms before the board, his music was there for me in all my stays in the hospital she was there for me in my dark times and i am very grateful for her #HowDemiHasHelpedMe ": @ freya_jean1997.

"# HowDemiHasHelpedMe I learned that no I am perfect, I must not change for others, and even when I am in a deep well I can always go out and shine ": Logan Benson (@logjwben).

"# HowDemiHasHelpedMe I remember one night at the hospital after an attempt, I was sitting in my room from the hospital on the floor next to the radio with my head against the wall and tears streaming down my face, then "Skyscraper" appeared on the radio and I knew it would be fine ": Kelsi (@kelsicatalano )

"I have suffered from a mental illness, eating disorder, self-harm and addiction, I do not know where I would be here today if I had not Demi Lovato in my life.She helped me for YEARS when no one took the trouble to control me. did with his words and his music. #HowDemiHasHelpedMe ": @demicangetit.

"# HowDemiHasHelpedMe when I was in the worst part of my life and just wanted to give up completely , The speeches, the music and the book of Half helped keep asking for help.I just spent 5 years cleaning up and I partially attributed to it: "@ slaymedems.



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