Democratic transition led BMV: Bosch


Photo: Special

The positive performance of both the stock market and the post-election exchange rate in Mexico is due to the fact that there was a democratic and orderly process, said the CEO of the Mexican Stock Exchange (BMV), José Oriol Bosch Par.

After finding that there was no disorder in the market because of the election process and its outcome, he announced that they were going to look for a meeting with him. winning team, Andrés Manuel López Obrador. "Regardless of the outcome, we expected a good reaction from the markets, not only from the stock market, we had talked about the stock market and the exchange rate.The explanation is because there was a process ordered, a democratic process where the reaction of the markets was very positive. "

At a press conference, he said that the factors of uncertainty are fading away, as is the electoral process.

Graphic: The Razón de México

The main index of the Mexican Stock Exchange, the S & P / BMV CPI, closed the day with moderate changes yesterday, showing an increase of only 0 , 07% or 34.23 points, setting at 49 thousand 025.15 units, after trading almost all day in negative.

In the end, the trading volume was recorded at 157.85 million shares, highlighting América Móvil, Cemex and Walmex were the largest issuers in operation to date

There It should be noted that up to now, the stock market is posting positive numbers despite the ruminumbre, internal and external.

  • El Dato: The success of the national stock market is due to the addition of 20 new stations in a year, according to the BMV.

By the end of June in 2018, there were 74 billion pesos financed in the market, more than 40 billion pesos in the same period of the previous year.

Similarly, Bosch Par reported that in the debt market, both short and long the balance rose from 218 billion pesos to 276 billion pesos

EU-China trade war affects the peso [19659013] The peso closed the session yesterday with a slight depreciation of 0.72% or 13.5 cents, when it is quoted at 19.05 pesos per dollar of wholesale, while the retail bank at the wicket ends at 19.35 units, 10 cents more than the previous 19.25.

Banco Base's director of economic analysis, Gabriela Siller, reported that the causes of this slight fall The Mexican currency is due to the general strengthening of the US dollar against its major cross and currency currencies emerging markets, when trade tensions between the United States and China have resumed.

During the session, the wholesale peso-dollar parity reached a minimum of 18.9033 and a maximum of 19.0947 units. The euro-peso has reached a minimum of 22.1602 and a maximum of 22.3680 pesos per euro in interbank listings for sale in the country.

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