Democrats fondle the reconquest of the lower house [Internacional] – 11/3/2018


Washington.- Three days before the first Trump era elections, Democrats are considered favorites to control the House of Representatives' control by Republicans, while at a rate of record participation by US voters.

Although dozens of political contests remain tight, which remains an element of uncertainty as to the outcome, polls show that Democrats not only outstrip Republicans, but that they have improved their chances in recent days.

"It could happen, it could happen," said President Donald Trump for the first time about the Democrats' triumph in the House of Representatives. "We are doing well in the Senate, but it could happen."

The elections call for the 435 seats in the lower house, 35 of the 100 seats in the Senate, 36 governorates, hundreds of seats elected by state legislatures, as well as more than 100 local referendums on legalization. drugs, taxes and other themes

In the Senate, most experts agree that Republicans not only retain their majority, but could extend it to 52-48, which would mark the return to a split stage of Congress.

According to estimates, for the 36 legal positions in office, Democrats would win between 5 and 10 entities.

In the lower house, Democrats need a net gain of 23 seats to replace the Republicans, who have controlled this body since 2010. Although the Senate has only two seats to the difference, the odds are lower.

Cook's political report, considered by many as the bible of American politics, estimates that there are currently 73 races in the House of Representatives, of which Republicans retain 69 districts.

His latest projections suggest that Democrats will get a net gain of 30 to 40 seats on Nov. 6, an increase from the range of 25 to 35 that they had last month.

An analysis of CNN shows that Democrats could get 226 seats in the lower house, against 209 Republicans. But it does not rule out the possibility of a surprise that would allow Republicans to keep control.

While other estimates are less generous to Democrats, polls agree that Democrats generally have more chances of winning than losing, especially if they wait. High voter turnout materializes.

Preliminary figures for early voting suggest an unprecedented level of voter turnout for an intermediate poll. More than 28 million advance votes have been registered, which exceeds the total votes of the 2014 elections.

The increase in electoral enthusiasm has been general but particularly noticeable among Latino voters in the southwestern states such as California, Arizona, Colorado, Texas, New Mexico and the United States. Southeastern Florida.

Organizations promoting the Latino vote, such as Mi Familia Vota, have planned, for example, to play more than 500,000 doors until election day to encourage voters to participate in the polls.

Other groups have developed online tools to help Spanish-speaking voters learn about their candidates' platforms and find their polling place.

For the November 6 elections, the National Association of Latin American Election Officials NALEO expects 7.8 million Latin American votes, an increase of 15 percent over 2014 and 6.9 percent over the previous year. total votes this year.

According to NALEO, Latinos could play a "decisive role" in the most competitive political careers in the country, including eight governor elections and 15 elections in the lower house, where the proportion of Latinos registered is greater than the difference between candidates .

In Texas alone, 1.1 million Latinos will vote in this state, where competition is fierce between Republican Senator Ted Cruz and Democrat Beto O. Rourke.

In California, a traditionally Democratic state, 2.1 million Latinos will participate in the election, and another million in Florida, considered an oscillating state, according to NALEO projections.

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