Democrats take Trump House


New York.- The plebiscite to the American president Donald Trump Heartless. Unlike 2016, this time the forecast was met: the mid-term elections mandate held yesterday they left a congress as divided as it is United States, with the Democrats recover the House of Representatives and the Republicans expanding their Senate dominance.

The result is a setback for the president, but much less than it could have been. The loss of more than 30 seats in the Lower House – where the 435 that comprise it – corresponds to the average number of seats without which a president usually remains in his first mid-term elections to the White House, and he is very far from the loss that he suffered Barack Obama in 2010 or Bill Clinton In 1994.

There was no Democratic wave, but the small gradual wave, based on a campaign with the improvement of the sanitary system as a flag and anti-Trump energy as a driver, has realized what it was proposing: to delete the absolute power to Trump, give a first message that the "blue" mechanism is running and put him on the alert in the presidential elections of 2020, where he must be re-elected.

Trump had already warned that "it could happen" that his Republican party lost the Low room – for eight years in the hands of conservatives, aware that he had paid little attention. The Democrats, along with veteran Nancy Pelosi at the head of this assembly, promise to be a thorn who will stay with Trump. "We recovered the House of Representatives for the American people, "cried Pelosi, promising that with this he would return to the country's" system of checks and balances "of power." We had enough divisions, "he said. he declares.

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<strong>"No" on the wall.</strong> To begin, they will have in their<strong> control budgets</strong>, who is already certain that they will not receive any compensation for the construction of the wall on the border with Mexico and will seek to develop social benefits. They will also have the power to investigate the president, which they have already announced that they would do from the beginning. What seems to interest them more, at least at the beginning, is to get the<strong> Trump Tax Documents</strong>to see what business interests might be hiding.</p>
<p>Trump, who followed the White House elections, described the results as "tremendous success" and thanked him via Twitter.</p>
<p>"The evening was good for the president," said Sarah Sanders, spokesperson for the president, at a time of day. "Many candidates for whom the president went to campaign have been successful," he added.</p>
<p>He did not lack reason: e<strong>the republican party</strong> avoided a drain by maintaining control of the Senate and even winning seats in this legislature that really interested them not to lose in order to pursue its true goal: the absolute reform of the judiciary. "The train of judicial conservatism will continue to walk!", Is congratulated the Republican senator <strong>Lindsey Graham</strong>.</p>
<p>The few options the Democrats had to take in the Upper House, where one third of the 100 seats were at stake, quickly disappeared with the defeat of the party's great and young hopeful:<strong> Beto O 'Rourke Texas</strong>who, despite the mobilization and the historical collection, could not beat the Republican Ted Cruz.</p>
<p>With regard to the governors' races (there were 36), the Democrats won big wins in New Mexico, Michigan, Illinois and Kansas, eclipsed by the defeats suffered in Florida and in the United States. l & # 39; Ohio.</p>
<p>Everyone will cry victory after the results. Democrats will insist for weeks on the importance of having recovered the House; the Republicans, for their part, will demonstrate the importance of maintaining the Senate and, above all, of not having suffered a historic shock, which will certainly prove to be a reaffirmation of the strength of the Trump ideology in the country.</p>
<p>What was clear is that the figure of the president remains a supernatural force in American politics, which, with the love and animosity that results, has provoked historical data on participation for elections with these characteristics. .</p>
<p>In addition to the strong participation in the day, the advance vote was also high. According to Michael McDonald, of the electoral project, 38.8 million Americans have already paid, exceeding the 27.4 million that were added to the advance vote in the mid-term elections of 2014.</p>
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