Dengue Alert – El Diario de Coahuila


It is necessary to properly cover tanks, cisterns, cisterns and use the larvicide to stop the breeding of the mosquito carrying dengue fever

The epidemiologist specialist of the Institute Mexican Social Security (IMSS), Ciro Francisco Serrano Sobal, said that preventive actions are focused on preventing the proliferation of mosquitoes and for this it is necessary to eliminate all containers where the accumulation of Rainwater is possible, to eliminate daily garbage, to constantly wash containers such as water tanks and cisterns, etc.

stagnation of water is the first cause of mosquito proliferation, the sting of which transmits dengue, so preventive measures are recommended to avoid becoming a victim of this disease which causes fever, head, bones, eyes, nausea and vomiting, among other manifestations.

Revel that of the two types that there is this suffering, the most common, is colloquially called "trans". bucket or "vulture's fever, the second is haemorrhagic."

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