Deploy 500 soldiers to the Reynosa border; will monitor the federal election


The army supported the staff of the National Institute of Migration, to conduct revisions at various points of the highway

  Deploy 500 soldiers in the Reynosa border; will monitor the federal elections

Photo: Cuartoscuro / Archive | The Reynosa International Airport has been the scene of the arrival of three aircraft of the Mexican air force

In the goal of strengthening the tasks of monitoring and fighting organized crime, more than 500 military elements were flown to the city from Reynosa for s was deployed at the border and replaced by 500 others.

The relocation of military forces takes place on the eve of the federal and local elections that will take place next Sunday.

According to El Mañana de Reynosa, Reynosa International Airport was the scene of the arrival of three aircraft of the Mexican Air Force with Hundreds of soldiers concentrated in the facilities of the military barracks.

The army supported the staff of the National Institute of Migration, to make revisions in the various waypoints.


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