Deputies leave with a bag of nearly one million pesos


The Secretary General of the Chamber of Deputies, Mauricio Farah clarified that the 500 legislators will take close to one million pesos – more than 900 thousand, he explained – at the end of this legislature, next August.

However, he said that this time there will be no bonuses or resources outside the law.

"There will be no additional resources for the deputies.Members are entitled to what corresponds to the law, that is to say their diet, which is their end bonus year, and what they saved, there will be more resources, do not try to look for something that, in truth, does not exist ", he said.

He proposed that what will be delivered "be properly regulated and regulated.So, I think that although regulated and regulated, we do not have to demonize things or take them to the extreme who are not.

"Finally, the deputies contributed according to what each decided, a percentage, and will be able to withdraw this resource that was put in the end, at the end of this legislature".

The Speaker of the House of Deputies, PRI Edgar Romo, also remarked that "it is worth pointing out that it is a savings fund that is being assessed at the same salary that the deputies ".

That is to say that "the deputies – many of them – did not receive their salary in full, but part of that salary was used to generate a savings funds ".

Romo also commented on the President-elect's proposal to cut the salaries of new lawmakers, and only said, "We will have to wait, it's something we, in this legislature, have no longer to analyze. This is in the next legislature.

"The democratic exercise that needs to be done is to analyze with great responsibility any increase or decrease in public wages," he said.

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