Derbez jokes with the disappearance of the mother of "LuisMi & # 39;


Milenio Digital

Eugenio Derbez has always been characterized by jokes at inappropriate times, whether on open television or on his social networks.

Actor and comedian shared a video on his Twitter where he made fun of the disappearance of Marcela Basteri, mother of Luis Miguel.

Derbez uses one of the characters that he created when he was working for Televisa with the program XHDRBZ

not everyone found their funny joke and they have it criticized for being offensive and disrespectful.

We share some tweets:

Some people have even been offended , but for the "double moral" of Twitter Users.

It should be remembered that a few days ago Eugenio Derbez, who is in Russia supporting the national team, He made a Live broadcast of the pay channel Telemundo

and he made it disguised as one of his characters, Aarón Abasolo, but a security element did not find him funny and he has released by loading the booth, which was about to stop in jail.



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