Despite an increase in water pressure, residents of the capital are suffering from shortages


Despite an increase in water pressure, residents of the capital are suffering from shortages

Photo: Cuartoscuro / Archivo.


Even when the Mexico City water supply started Tuesday night, after seven days to stay closed the valves of the Cutzamala system, there are some begin to feel the effects of lack of water.

The Conagua iThe water pressure has increased by 12% more.

This is the case of those who live in Cuauhtémoc, City Hall where the reduction was 100%. After a visit by different settlements, it was observed that even though activities at workplaces, markets, schools and commercial areas have not stopped, in some places mainly restaurants and cafeterias, their owners had to pay more than budgeted. a normal month

The head of an economical kitchen located in Palma street commented that, for washing food, since last Friday, when the liquid has completely stopped flowing near the taps, they have to buy at least two cans of water. water a day. extra, which represents for the moment an expense of about 600 pesos.

She points out that although the building's cistern, where it stands the place was fed by a pipe, They do not trust this water and prefer not to risk it.

Returns the water supply to the CDMX, except in Azcapotzalco

We use it for bathrooms and dishes, but if we take care of the food, we do not want the customers to get sick, we get into trouble, "he said.

The first neighbors of the settlements, Santa María la Ribera and San Rafael, reported the lack of water in the reservoirs installed in Ribera de San Cosme. In the street at Jaime Torres Bodet, there was a row of pitchers and tambos whose owners were waiting for a pipe to fill the tank.

The head of the government of Mexico City, José Ramón Amieva, announced that once the water supply is restored, the National Water Commission (CONAGUA) increased the pressure by 12 percent more, so that the capital will receive 10,000 cubic meters per second at this time, which will allow faster filling of the tanks.

Today, at around 7 am, we begin to receive water in our tanks, which means that the 200 mega tanks that we have and that are provided by the Cutzamala system must be filled in. generate pressure and gradually remedy this shortage. d & # 39; water. The largest of these tanks has a capacity of 200 million liters, which we expect to get the pressure, and which can be restored first in municipalities where settlements are lower and where, of course, the tanks can to be filled. faster, "said Amieva Gálvez.

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He indicated that as an administration, they maintain their operational capacity of 4,500 daily trips of water pipelines to serve the population that still does not have the liquid supply.

In addition, he stressed the commitment and responsibility of citizens before this "historic" court.

We lived three times, the first a scheduled break that ended on November 3 at 8 am, the second was a forced cut that ended yesterday at 7 pm and this third time corresponds to the restoration of service. . The problem we have now is that virtually the water tanks and the full tanks are no longer there and we need to strengthen the operating system.

The capitalist leader recalled that the the restoration of water in the city will be gradual. As of this Wednesday, it is expected that water will begin to fall in the town halls of Álvaro Obregón, Miguel Hidalgo, Magdalena Contreras, Cuajimalpa, Tlalpan and Coyoacán; Thursday in Cuauhtémoc, Benito Juárez and Venustiano Carranza; and between Friday and Saturday in Iztapalapa, Iztacalco, Tláhuac and Azcapotzalco.


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