Despite the protection of elections in Oaxaca, they kill an INE employee and find a student "enmaletada"


OAXACA, Oax. (appr) .- A few hours after the government of Alejandro Murat Hinojosa announced the deployment of five thousand troops to ensure security on election day, four executions were committed in the last hours, including a student and a employee of the National Electoral Institute (INE).

The INE confirmed that Joaquín Andrés Bernal Rojas was deprived of his life around 8 pm Thursday, which had been serving since 2014 to the District 09 Executive Board of the State.

In a statement, he stated that "the officials working in this institute condemn and regret this cunning crime and express our greatest solidarity to Joaquín's family and friends.

"We appreciate the attention that the attorney general of the state personally accords to this case and we expect prompt justice," the statement said.

According to the first reports, Bernal Rojas was murdered outside his home. located in 4 East and 8 North streets in the Flower District at Pinotepa National Coast area.

Before, in Juchitán de Zaragoza, around 17:30 o'clock on the same Thursday, a suitcase was located the human remains of the student of the Institute of Technology of Isthmus (ITI), Biiani Rosales Ramírez, 20 years old

The suitcase was located between the bushes on the local road that connects Juchitán to El Espinal, one kilometer from C-2 Operations Base (911)

500 meters from the deviation of the road Juchitán-El Espinal, we found the suitcase containing the remains of a girl in a state of decomposition and presumably cut off.

Ca I would like to mention that since June 2, it has been implemented in the Juchitán Seguro area with about 500 soldiers of state and federal security forces

in the central valleys of Oaxaca, precisely in the vicinity of São Paulo. Huitzo were found yesterday the bodies of two people who were executed and then wrapped in blankets and throws near the dam of the community

The bodies that showed signs of torture and bullet wounds were dropped in plastic bags. black and wrapped in blankets.

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