Detect the case of a man who infected two HIV-positive women


In this municipality, the case of a man allegedly infected with the acquired immunodeficiency virus (HIV) was detected in two women, who did not know that their partner was carrying the virus, but not the subject, who I knew that this disease was incurable

. According to health sector sources, two HIV-infected women were found within two years and were identified as having links to the same person. "This person, the man, knows that he has HIV and is taking treatment," said staff who enumerated this information, whose identity is reserved due to the nature of the disease. # 39; s case. More than a year ago, an HIV – positive woman reported that she had links with this man and only a few months ago, the situation was repeated

and once the detected disease, the patient follows a process of investigation. certain conditions and information to try to find out what was the form of contagion, in which city or colony, or with which people were linked in order to have a better epidemiological overview.

In Veracruz, in 2015 the Penal Code was reformed to punish, if it is proved that they did it intentionally, to those who infect other people with diseases such that HIV, so that they can be arrested, consigned and imprisoned.

According to the Penal Code, in the second title on "Crimes of danger to life or health of the person", Article 158 states that "anyone who suffers from a serious illness and intentionally puts in danger another person, is subject to They will have six months to five years in prison and a fine of up to fifty days salary.The judge will arrange what is necessary for the protection of public health. this reform, Veracruz has become the second entity nationwide to sanction the spread of this type of disease and has the most severe punishment of all.

In 2018, after an action of unconstitutionality presented by the Commission The CNDH, the Supreme Court of Justice of the Nation (SCJN), determined that it is invalid to punish criminally the persons who transmit a non-serious sexual disease (herpes, syphilis, gonorrhea and human papilloma), as previously established in the Criminal Code of the State of Veracruz, but it is still valid for so-called "serious" conditions such as HIV

" Often, women realize that they are carriers until they start having symptoms or when they are going to do the analysis for other things and find out about them. "clues" and these contagions occur even when they consider that they are in a stable relationship, without knowing that the other art can be infected and infect other people, concludes the staff of health

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