Detonan artifact at the US Embassy in China


Mexico City – A man was injured when he blew up a small machine in front of the US Embassy in Beijing, a fact that left no casualties, have said witnesses and a spokesman for the embassy. ] "There was an explosion around 13:00 (local time) in the public area outside the southeastern corner of the embassy complex." Apart from the author, there are more wounded, "said the spokesman.The local police announced that the man responsible for the incident was a man of 26 years old from the Inner Mongolia region, who had been wounded by hand

but he did not provide any details about the possible motivation of the man.At a conference of press, Geng Shuang, spokesman of the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs, spoke of an "individual case of public security"

in another incident, the official newspaper Global Times lina in a possible attempt of 39, to sacrifice and was removed from the square by the police, an incident that was not proved to be related to the detonation.

The explosion of the device was originally broadcast by witnesses on social networks with videos and photographs

Images posted on Twitter showed a lot of smoke and what appeared to be police vehicles surrounding the embassy, ​​located northeast of the capital, as well as several agents around a person lying on the floor.

Chinese police cordoned off the eastern entrance of Tianze Avenue building.

China and the United States are in commercial conflict, but the North American country remains a very popular destination for Chinese citizens in terms of travel, education and migration.

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