Diabetes A disease that faces the family


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MEXICO (EL UNIVERSAL) .- Martha Muñoz was invaded by fear and memory while she was suffering from diabetes mellitus, the same illness that killed her mother. Then he stopped paying attention to the doctor and returned to the time when his mother was connected to a dialyzer because his kidneys were not working anymore because of the "sugar".

"I saw her suffering, she had several diabetic comas, they dialyzed her," says the patient. Martha's mother is one of 290 people who die every day from this chronic disease, according to data from the Department of Health. She has become one of 16 million diagnosed patients in the country.

The 52-year-old woman says that the formula for fighting her illness is a good diet, follow the treatment "religiously" and exercise to avoid complications such as chronic kidney failure, blindness, the diabetic foot, etc. She thanks her family for "putting on her shirt" with her and helping her lead a better life.

November 14 commemorates World Diabetes Day. This year's theme is diabetes and family. That's why Roberto Mora Huerta, an endocrinologist assigned to the General Area 48 Hospital of the IMSS, called the parents of people with diabetes to create a support network and not to let the patient alone.

"Often, the patient is labeled as the person who should have a healthy diet, but everyone should be involved because if he has the disease, it is likely that the children will develop it as well. to the patient to take care of himself, but how he will do it there are people who eat bread on one side, we must be fair, "he said.

Over the past 20 years, diabetes has ranked first and second in mortality and, over the years, has been detected among young people, according to the Epidemiological Bulletin.

In 2000, diabetes ranked ninth among the leading causes of death. In 2012, he was in second place and in 2013, he was at the top of the list. In 2016, he returned to second place with 105 thousand 574 deaths.

"It's alarming, because this expectation of death will grow in people who are always productive, diabetes is progressing, it's bad for our health system because patients aged 50 to 60 will have complications and their productivity. will be affected, "he explained.

He added that 10 years ago, Mexico was ranked ninth in the world in Diabetes Diagnoses and now seventh: "Today, there are 350 million diabetics in the world and it is estimated that in 2030, they will be 560 million ".

Avoid complications

Blindness, chronic kidney failure, diabetic retinopathy, heart attacks, amputations and embolisms are some of the consequences of poorly controlled diabetes.

Roberto Mora said that the control was not possible because the patients did not engage: "If the patient had a medicine to exercise, it would help a lot." It often happens that when they have serious problems like kidney failure, they wish to adopt a strict diet, but that's something they should have done 15 years ago. "

The Midway 2016 National Health and Nutrition Survey found that 12% of diabetic patients, despite knowing their diagnosis, are not receiving treatment and improving their habits, adds that one in two people do not do not know that He is diabetic, so they do not go to the doctor and the disease progresses.

"There is prediabetes, they are individuals who have a high glucose fasting, but do not meet the criteria of diabetes.In 10 years, they will become diabetic if they do not change their habits", said Mora.

Four years ago Martha was diagnosed, when she went to a family clinic because of a sore throat, she was studied by the Prevenimss program and her glucose level was high. "They said that it was prediabetic, but I've always brought complications such as diverticula that are like sacs in the intestine," he says.

The expert in endocrinology has warned that although a person is considered prediabetic, it can present complications: "When diagnosed, 50% of patients have a retinal lesion, we tell them they are diabetic and we send them to an evaluation, where we realize 40% suffer from diabetic neuropathy, that is to say when we ask them if they have pain or if they burn with the foot, they already have it ".

For Martha, diabetes is like a school subject: "Every day, you have to learn how to live with it". He admits that after learning that he was diabetic, he became depressed because he thought that he was going to die like his mother: "I was shocked, you do not want to Have, I said you would never have this disease ".

From the first day, she changed her lifestyle and despite being considered a lover of chocolates, she learned to say no: "Sometimes you forget that you are diabetic, when I have desires to smoke, I think of my mother, this makes me stop, I turn around and ask my family to help me take care of me, unless they eat what I should not not eat in front of me.I also invite them to take care of themselves because that is the secret of everything. "

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