Diabetes, without control in patients


Although diabetes is the second leading cause of death, few people have this disease under control, warn of epidemiological records.

Data from the Mexican Observatory of Noncommunicable Diseases (OMENT) indicate that in the city, 66 percent of Seguro Popular's diabetic patients have blood sugar levels unsuitable for their condition.

According to the indicators, only the remaining 34% have an A1C result less than 7, which is the optimum in this lab test also called hemoglobin glucoside test, which measures the average sugar in the last three months

Dora Olivia Piña Rico, director of the Mexican Diabetes Association in Ciudad Juárez, says the situation is much worse than the Observatory's indicators show.

For the activist, most people who suffer from the disease do not have adequate control because of the poor eating habits they experience, the omission of their medication and lack of medical supervision.

"Many diabetics do not have this test to do. do it every three months, "he said. Since diabetes is silent, they think nothing happens to them, that they are fine, but in reality, wear occurs throughout the body. "

In the state of Chihuahua, 62% of diabetics are not given attention, which poses a great risk because diabetes can bring additional problems.

Among the most common complications are, by For example, diabetic retinopathy, warns the Federal Ministry of Health, it is chronic and progressive and occurs when there is inadequate control of glucose levels, which limits the oxygenation of eye cells and thus affects circulation. blood in the retina, indicates dependence.

According to health, this complication has a prevalence of 31.5% in Mexico.

"In the absence of symptoms at the beginning of the disease, the Ophthalmological examination is important at least every six months. As it progresses, people have blurred central vision caused by high levels of blood glucose.

Diabetes can also affect the skin, says the secretary.

The most common skin problems are diabetic dermopathy, which is characterized by the presence of red spots that form small crusts; Yellow skin and the spontaneous appearance of blisters on healthy skin, reveals Salud.

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