Diabetic retinopathy, what it is, causes, symptoms and treatment: your doctor


Patients with diabetes mellitus have abnormal levels of sugar in the blood, affecting function of the eye and damaging the blood vessels of the retina, this condition being known under the name of diabetic retinopathy . In case of non-treatment in time or adequate monitoring, it can cause loss of vision in various forms:

1 diabetic macular edema

2 proliferation of diabetic retinopathy

3 Decrease of the blood down. Retina due to lack of normal blood circulation

It is important to point out that the retina is the inner membrane of the eye that functions as a camera roll that captures light and transmits light. 39, information to the brain

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Stages and Symptoms of Diabetic Retinopathy

Diabetic retinopathy as such has no symptoms or signal of early warning however, experts indicate that it is not necessary to wait for the symptoms, to recommend performing a complete eye exam at least once a year.

According to the National Eye Institute diabetic retinopathy has several stages that can be identified and treated as soon as possible:

1 Nonproliferative light retinopathy: Areas of inflammation resembling blisters on the retina.

2 Non-proliferative moderate retinopathy: Retinal blood vessels obstructed

3 Severe non-proliferative retinopathy: Inflammation and blockade of several blood vessels Blockage of circulation

4 Retinopathy proliferative: blood vessels. they grow along the retina and the surface of the eye, creating thin and fragile walls that prevent one from seeing properly.

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Prevention …

To prevent this condition, it is necessary to optimally control blood glucose and cholesterol blood pressure and body weight, all of which precede to reduce the long-term risk of vision loss.

In this regard, the evaluation of this type of diabetic retinopathy should be performed by an ophthalmologist by means of a diagnosis of the dilated eye ] the above in order to help plan what is the best treatment to follow and avoid serious consequences .

With the information (Retina Consultans Houston and National Eye Institute)

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