Dictate the order of freedom for Andrés Granier and Saiz Pineda; will remain imprisoned: Office of the Prosecutor


  Dicting the Self Liberty for Andrés Granier and Saiz Pineda; They will remain imprisoned: Office of the Prosecutor

Granier was arrested in May 2014 and is currently serving a sentence at the Tepepan prison hospital in Mexico City (Photo: Cuartoscuro)


Former Governor de Tabasco, Andrés Granier Melo and his former Secretary of Finance, José Manuel Saiz Pineda, obtained an injunction in respect of the misappropriation of funds that had been initiated by the Crown Attorney

Magistrates of the Tabasco Superior Court of Justice (TSJ), Dorilián Moscoso, Guadalupe Pérez and Eugenio Amat have decreed the order of freedom "for lack of evidence to prosecute them for the crime of embezzlement" [19659005] 10 years and 10 months in Granier prison

Meanwhile, by a statement published this afternoon, the Tabasco prosecutor's office stated that Granier and his former treasurer "would remain in prison because the former has a conviction dictated by embezzlement. "

While the second, maintains open records that do not undergo any modification regarding the confirmation of the judicial power of the State, Regarding a previous resolution," said the Office of the Prosecutor.

He indicated that the determination of the three judges of the Tabasco Supreme Court concerning the order of freedom "does not imply that the processes in question do not follow their course. former president Andres Granier invalidated the sentence passed against him on February 28 this year, for which he was sentenced to 10 years and 10 months in prison. "

Explain that in at case of Saiz Pineda, "is still under the criminal trials 138/2013 and 183/2017, both for the crime of embezzlement pending a resolution of the jurisdictional instance, leaving his prison situation in the capital of the state capital. "

Granier appealed his conviction, lawyer sued under house arrest

Granier was arrested in May 2014 and currently ] serve his trouble at the prison hospital of Tepepan in Mexico City where he remains under medical supervision for cardiac arrhythmia and arterial hypertension.

The crime of embezzlement stems from a alleged disappearance of 196 million pesos from the 2010 account in the Seguro Popular budget although the current governor of Tabasco, Arturo Núñez, accused of a deficit of 12 billion pesos of the Treasury.

Former Secretary of Finance is accused of a deficit of 2 billion pesos which is why he is detained at the Villahermosa Rehabilitation Center.


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