Did Ines Gómez Mont's daughter take out her mother's big eyes?


Inés Gómez Mount became mother a few weeks ago, so her fans kept an eye on the little girl María there are few photos of her in social networks .

A publication shared by Ines Gomez Mount (@inesgomezmont) on [20juin1990] at

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Yesterday journalist decided to upload an image of his baby, with eyes ] open, as many wondered if he would have the big blue eyes of his mother.

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In the snapshot you can see the sixth daughter of Inés, with huge and beautiful eyes, although his tone is not well distinguished, his fans have debated the color, it is said that with the time they are changed.

"Wow will be clear-eyed"

"May the Blessed God bless and protect you, your beautiful eyes, many blessings for her, be a good girl" .

"Divine your eyes, as I imagined".

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