Die young man who has eaten a slug and is paralyzed


AUSTRALIA.- The young former Australian rugby player Sam Ballard, who contracted the caterpillar after eating a slug, died Last Friday, eight years after his illness, local media reported.

According to RT, Ballard would have died surrounded by his family and colleagues. His last words to his mother were "I love you".

The tragic story goes back to year 2010, when Sam accepted the challenge of his friends swallowing the mollusc in the middle of the hullabaloo for their 19th birthday, which they celebrated in Sydney.

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"We were sitting here to spend a night enjoying red wine, trying to behave like adults and a slug is introduced here," said Jimmy Galvin, one of his best friends. Moments later, Sam asked him whether he should eat it or not. "That's the way it happened," Galvin added.

He did not get sick immediately, but complained of severe leg pains the following days. The They diagnosed a brain infection caused by a parasite called Angiostrongylus Cantonensis, housed in the slug, after being fed rat dung.

This parasite causes a disease called "eosinophilic meningoencephalitis" whose main symptoms are: severe headache, nausea, vomiting, convulsions and other neurological disorders. Although, as a rule, the disease heals, the young Australian was left quadriplegic after 420 days in coma.

Katie Ballard, Sam's mother, described how difficult her life was. He could not eat alone and needed help to go to the bathroom. Galvin said that he had apologized to Sam for not having stopped that night in 2010. When he did, Sam "began to cry".

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